Information practices of disaster preparedness professionals in multidisciplinary groups / Folb, (2010)
Citation - Folb, B. L., Detlefsen, E. G., Quinn, S. C., Barron, G., & Trauth, J. M. (2010). Information practices of disaster preparedness professionals in multidisciplinary groups. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 47(1), 1-9.
Keyword - information behavior, disaster informatics
- 背景/動機|目的/研究問題:不同專業者在災難準備中的資訊實踐為何?此文透過質性描述的方法找出問題答案。研究結果集中在選擇與找出適當的模型與理論。
OBJECTIVE: This article summarizes the results of a descriptive qualitative study addressing the question, what are the information practices of the various professionals involved in disaster preparedness? We present key results, but focus on issues of choice and adaptation of models and theories for the study. - 假定:N/A
- 方法/資料:針對 資訊行為理論與模型的原始與二次文獻 作文獻探討。以Taylor 的 IUE模型、機構化理論(Institutional Theory)、Dervin 的意義建構(sense making metatheory)作為訪探設計的架構。透過賓州領導力預備課程(Pennsylvania Preparedness Leadership Institute, PPLI)學者,進行12位災難專業者的面對面訪談。以 Taylor 的IUE模式作為主要的質性編碼架構。
METHODS: Primary and secondary literature on theory and models of information behavior were consulted. Taylor’s Information Use Environments (IUE) model, Institutional Theory, and Dervin’s Sense-Making metatheory were used in the design of an open-ended interview schedule. Twelve individual face-to-face interviews were conducted with disaster professionals drawn from the Pennsylvania Preparedness Leadership Institute (PPLI) scholars. Taylor’s Information Use Environments (IUE) model served as a preliminary coding framework for the transcribed interviews. - 發現:
- 結果:災難專家們有各自不同的資訊管理技術、文獻與資料庫使用方法,但也有許多相似的實踐;包括了重度使用網際網絡與電子郵件、滿意就好、對資訊資源的社會與實體可取用性的偏好。
RESULTS: Disaster professionals varied in their use of libraries, peer-reviewed literature, and information management techniques, but many practices were similar across professions, including heavy Internet and email use, satisficing, and preference for sources that are socially and physically accessible. - 結論:IUE模型提供良好的編碼基礎架構,但需要根據目前的資訊社會脈絡作調整。無法在各個專業文化中找出共通的資訊實踐。工作上的資訊實踐會因為專業訓練、組織環境而有所不同;然而許多可觀察到的相似處,似乎源於日常生活場域下的資訊實踐。
CONCLUSIONS: The IUE model provided an excellent foundation for the coding scheme, but required modification to place the workplace in the larger social context of the current information society. It is not possible to confidently attribute all work-related information practices to professional culture. Differences in information practice observed may arise from professional training and organizational environment, while many similarities observed seem to arise from everyday information practices common to non-work settings.
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