Table of Contents

The cognitive work analysis framework (Fidel & Pejtersen, 2004)


Citation - Fidel, R., & Pejtersen, A. M. (2004). From information behaviour research to the design of information systems: The cognitive work analysis framework. Information Research, 10(1), 10-11.

Keyword - Cognitive work analysis, Information behavior

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  1. 第一段簡介 CWA,其分析面向,與其特徵。Fidel & Pejtersen, 2005一文主要使用此段內容。
  2. 第二段,以手段-目的分析為例,說明 CWA 如何處理情境的複雜性。
  3. 第三段,說明描述性研究與分析性研究的不同,並強調 CWA 可以兼顧兩者。
  4. 第四段,說明應用 CWA 的問題。

Cognitive Work Analysis

Cognitive Work Analysis: 認知工作分析



The dimensions of Cognitive Work Analysis


  1. 工作環境 / The work environment - 探究學校內運作的環境。範例問題:學校在那個行政層級的規章下運作?政府對課程規劃的政策與標準為何?學校新生入學的人口分布?
  2. 工作領域分析 / Work-domain analysis 研究在學校與學校圖書館內完成的工作。範例問題:各個組織設立的目標為何?在執行時有受到何種限制?各個組織會參與何種活動?為完成此種活動,會使用到何種工具或技術?
  3. 任務分析 / Task analysis 檢視特定任務並以相同問題分析這些特定任務。範例問題:教師這堂課的目的為何?教師在備課與授課中面臨到何種限制?教師會諮詢那種資訊資源?
  4. 組織分析 / Organizational analysis 檢按管理風格、組織文化、習俗、與角色如何分派。範例問題:教師如何與校長溝通?教師被指派教導此堂課的原因?誰決定要或不要在課程中安排圖書館員介紹的時段?這些程序依循的常規為何?
  5. 決策分析 / Decision analysis 提供一個更具體的個別決策分析。範例問題:哪些圖與某一課程相關?學校圖書館員需要哪些資訊來作出此一決策?可以取得哪些資訊來源?有哪些來源是想要但是無法取得的?
  6. 策略分析 / Strategies analysis 對每一個任務與策略,檢視哪一種策略是可能的。範例問題:一個為了課程教學尋找圖檔的老師,如何找到所需的圖檔?是問同事?還是到圖書館借書?到網路上找?他能找藝術資料庫嗎?
  7. 使用者資源與價值分析 / User's resources and values analysis 辨識出每個使用者族群的特徵。範例問題:教師在搜尋視覺資訊時的經驗為何?教師所需的藝術必備標準的知識為何?老師最重要的核心價值為何?學校圖書館員應具有藝術課程的重要程度為何?

Some characteristics of Cognitive Work Analysis

Dealing with complexity


Individual complexity and variability

This approach is facilitated by the Cognitive Work Analysis dimensions. Work analysis along these dimensions lays out the constraints under which actors carry out their tasks, regardless of their individual attributes. In other words, it analyses the context in which actors in a certain organization, performing a particular task, operate. Moreover, Cognitive Work Analysis recognizes that there are certain attributes that are typical to those who operate in a certain context. When Cognitive Work Analysis analyses actor's resources and values (inner circle in Figure 1), it creates a model of the prototypical actor, that is, that of the best example of an actor in the given context. Cognitive Work Analysis recognizes that not all actors are prototypical, and that their individual attributes and histories might affect their interaction with information. However, because the goal of Cognitive Work Analysis is to design information systems for distinct work domains and tasks, regardless of the individuals who are carrying out a task at a certain point in time, it considers the prototypical attributes as most important.


The decision as to which prototypical attributes to analyse may change from one work domain to another. In a study about Web searching behaviour of high school students (Fidel et al., 1999), for example, we analysed the students' education, their experience with computers and with retrieving information from the Web, their experience in the subject domain, their educational plans for the future, their preferences with regard to searching the Web, the priority criteria they used to select a search strategy, the performance criteria they employed, and their opinion about their own situation, abilities, and preferences. While varying from one domain to another, several attributes are common to most domains, such as level of expertise and experience with the subject domain, experience and expertise with information systems, and technology, preferences, values, structure of subject domain, and type of training required to carry out the task. Future research on the application of Cognitive Work Analysis to the design of information systems is likely to develop a core set of attributes that would be relevant to most studies.

Complexity in the environment

Description versus analysis

Challenges to the application of Cognitive Work Analysis



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