A human information behavior approach to a philosophy of information / Spink & Cole (2004)
Citation - Spink, A., & Cole, C. (2004). A human information behavior approach to a philosophy of information. Library Trends, 52(3), 617-628.
Keyword - information behavior
- What is PI (Philosophy of information)
- The conceptual nature of information
- The LIS in Floridi's view
- Shera's ESK (Epistemology of Social Knowledge)
- Brookes (1980) used Popper’s (1975) 3 Worlds concept
- Human Information Behavior (evolutionary psychology perspective on the human condition to integrate four information seeking approache)
- Modular cognitive architecture on HIB
- Modular: Metaphor: The Process of Information Acquisition in Evolutionary Psychology
模組:隱喻:進化心理學觀點的資訊獲取程序 - Integration Mechanism in Modular Thinking
- Metaphorical Thinking
- Metaphor Priming the Pump
PI: Information
Definition: Information (Floridi, 2002b)
Information, defined as meaningful data (Floridi, 2002b)
the human mind “needs to make sense of its environment by continuously investing data (affordances) with meaning”
The process through which humans make meaning out of our physical world is set-off by four conceptual thrusts.
# 個人描述事物的後設語義化
A meta-semanticisation of human narrative by putting oneself into the narrative.
- 透過語言與其他資訊實體(如文件)將描述分享給他人
A sharing of the narrative with others through language and other information entities like documents. - 透過對自然的描述,將世界虛擬化與去物質化
A de-physicalisation of nature whereby the physical world is virtualized when we include it, and all the objects in it, in the narrative. We first manipulate objects by manipulating their virtual form in the narrative. - 概念的實體化。用於解釋現實
A hypostatisation (embodiment) of the concepts, in the narrative, we devise to explain reality, making them as real, in the narrative, as objects from the physical world.
- Floridi, L. (2002). What is the Philosophy of Information? Metaphilosophy, 33(1 2), 123-145.
Note: “Philosophy of information” or “Philosophy of information technology”?
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