A model for understanding collaborative information behavior in context / Reddy & Jansen (2008)
Citation - Reddy, M. C., & Jansen, B. J. (2008). A model for understanding collaborative information behavior in context: A study of two healthcare teams. Information Processing & Management, 44(1), 256-273.
Keyword - collaborative information behavior
- 背景/動機:
- 協同的資訊行為是組織工作的基本要素,但我們對此了解很少。且,多數資訊行為模型著重於個人的資訊尋求行為。Collaborative information behavior is an essential aspect of organizational work; however, we have very limited understanding of this behavior. Most models of information behavior focus on the individual seeker of information.
- 假定:N/A
- 方法:
- 本文探討兩個組織中協同資訊行為個案的實徵研究。\\In this paper, we report the results from two empirical studies that investigate aspects of collaborative information behavior in organizational settings.
- both interview and observe study participants: ethnographic techniques
- 資料:
- 兩個醫療團隊 2 Healthcare teams;
- For each study, we spent well over 100 hours in the summers of 2002 and 2005 observing the work of the patient care teams in the SICU and ED.
- The observations and interviews from both studies yielded more than 300 pages of transcribed field notes and interviews for analysis.
- 發現:
- 其中我們發現在個人與他人互動、資訊需求的複雜性、資訊技術所扮演的角色等方面,協同資訊行為與個人資訊行為的差異。From these studies, we found that collaborative information behavior differs from individual information behavior with respect to how individuals interact with each other, the complexity of the information need, and the role of information technology.
- 有一些特定的因素觸發協同資訊行為,包括:缺乏領域專家。資訊搜尋技術扮演了一個重要的輔助機制,並影響著協同資訊行為。There are specific triggers for transitioning from individual to collaborative information behavior, including lack of domain expertise. The information retrieval technologies used affect collaborative information behavior by acting as important supporting mechanisms.
- 透過這些發現,以及其他先前研究,我們發展出一個協同資訊行為模型。模型中包含了參與者行為、情境元素、與脈絡觸發因素。From these results and prior work, we develop a model of collaborative information behavior along the axes of participant behavior, situational elements, and contextual triggers.
- 我們也描繪了協同資訊系統的特徵,包括搜尋、交談、與分享。We also present characteristics of collaborative information system including search, chat, and sharing.
- 討論: 此研究對未來協同資訊搜尋系統設計的影響,與未來研究方向。
We discuss implications for the design of collaborative information retrieval systems and directions for future work.
- 描繪
- Team Structure
- Information Resources
- Team goals
- 3 major characteristics of CIB
- 溝通模式 Communication:
- 溝通不只是問與答,更著重於將不同的資訊片段聚集起來,以找到答案。 “communication in CIB was richer and focused not only on questions and answers but also on tying together different pieces of information to find the answers.”
- 資訊尋求-分享-再尋求的遞迴行為樣式。“an iterative pattern of information seeking–sharing–seeking during CIB activities.” : (1) 回合式溝通 turn-taking communication; (2) 資訊分享是協同資訊行為的基本要素。 sharing information is an essential part of CIB activities.
- 複雜資訊需求 Complex information needs
- 團隊分別處理各自不同的資訊需求 “if the information need is highly complex, team members often split up the tasks, with each member focusing on a different component of the information need.”
- 在團隊內尋求其他專業領域知識 “An important feature of how team members react to a complex information need is their use of expertise.”
- Role of IR technologies
- 在資訊行為的初期使用資訊檢索技術,但不會是答案。 Using IR technologies in the first step: “unlike in IIB where interacting with the IR technologies is the last step in the process of the information seeking, it is often the first step in a CIB activity.” …. “However, it did not have the answer…. The system played an important role in supporting the CIB process but is not the only information sources used by team members.”
- Models
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