The progress of theory in knowledge organization / Smiraglia(2002)
Citation - Smiraglia, R. P. (2002). The progress of theory in knowledge organization. Library Trends, 50(3), 330-349.
Keyword - Knowledge organization, Information_science, classification, paradigm
- 理論: 由研究所導出的,可測試的解釋性陳述
THEORY: A system of testable explanatory statements derived from research. - 在知識組織研究領域中,理論產生的認識論基礎已經由實用主義(pragmatism, 依據對檢索工具結構的觀察)轉移到實徵主義(empiricism, 依據對實徵研究的結果)
- Traditions
- 1950, 書目組織在的對促進人類文化與文明的角色 (Clapp, 1950) 認為分類法是書目組織的基礎 (Shera, 1950).
- 1961, 巴黎編目原則
- Wilson (1968) 闡釋書目工具的系統,提供實徵地理論化發展的架構
- Empiricism
- Clapp (1950), Shera (1950), Gorman (1980, 1982), Svenonius (1981, 1982), Taylor (1988)
- 質疑既有資訊組織所設計的工具與原則 \ Questions of file design, record construct, and entity-relationship definition were critical to the advancement of the catalog as a tool of the modern age.
- 提供書目現象的實徵證據,
- 提供使用者搜尋行為的實徵證據,對在不斷進步技術地複雜系統與其他原本書目工具以外的資訊檢索的挑戰
- 四個研究主題
- 作者生產力 與 人名標題分佈: Lotka's Law, Taylor, Potter, Papakhian
- 實體-關係設計 Entity-Relationship Design
- 外部驗證 External Validity
- 歷史主義 HISTORICISM 與非實徵取向研究
- Hjorland 區分四種研究的認識論典範,領域分析取向的主題分析工作(domain analysis approach )
- 實徵論 由觀察與經驗導出理論 Empiricism, derived from observation and experience;
- 理性論 由理性動機導出理論 Rationalism, derived from the employment of reason;
- 歷史論 由文化詮釋導出理 Historicism, derived from cultural hermeneutics; and,
- 實用論 由目標與結果導出理論 Pragmatism, derived from the consideration of goals and their consequences
- Macro & Navarro, 1993: 由認知科學與認識論建立分類理論
- Beghtol (2000,2001) 文類研究 “Genre” and “A Whole and its Parts.”
- Svenonius (2000) 主張知識組織工作需要透過書目語言:包含了語言的語意、語法、語用、規範
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