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Seven fundamental questions for the science of library classification / Losee (1993)

Citation - Losee, R. M. (1993). Seven fundamental questions for the science of library classification. Knowledge Organization, 20(2), 65-70.

Keyword - information organization, classification

  • 最佳化列舉式分類系統 for optimal a (enumerative) classification systems
  • 作者認為,回答這些問題就能找出最佳化分類系統的答案 Suggestions are made as to the forms that answers to these questions might take.

• Losee: 建立分類科學, 建立分類系統的模型. (功能保證) 不是從現實實用角度考量 • Classification for purposes here is considered the assignment of a value to an entity and the ordering and organization of these entities by these values. • Losee 將分類者如同使用者一般, 也劃分在分類系統之外

7 questions

  • What should be the form of subject-indicating representations? 主題標引應該呈現的方式?
    • 缺點:列舉式是有限數量表徵的,而且無法呈現兩個並重的主題概念。
    • 將所有主題用列舉記號放上分類, 並壓縮之; 相同內涵詞彙合併, 透過PCA找出哪些主題是可以合併的。
  • How should distance and dissimilarity values between individual document features be combined?
    • Haming distance 與直線距離
  • How should distance and dissimilarity values between individual document features be minimized? 文件間的距離與不相似性如何能最小化?
  • 3a. Should distance be treated as a linear quantity?
  • 4. What is the cost of placing similar or dissimilar documents a certain distance apart?
  • 5. In what order should documents be placed?
  • 6. Should paths and classification numbers stay constant for all collection variations, e.g., different collection sizes and concentrations? (answer is “Yes!”)
  • 6a. Should the path stay constant for all different collection emphases?
  • 7. How should classification performance be measured?
  • 7a. What is the best possible classification performance? (no best)
  • 7b. What is the worst possible classification performance?
