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the social construction of a digital library / Kilker & Gay (1998)

Citation - Kilker, J., & Gay, G. (1998). The Social Construction of a Digital Library: A Case Study Examining Implications for Evaluation. Information Technology and Libraries, 17(2), 60-70.

Keyword - Usability, SCOT

Kilker (1998) DL - SCOT方法架構特定DL雛型的發展與評鑑 - technology development methods: 系統發展、使用者中心發展、社會建構發展 – systematic: 想像使用者(developer knows best) – user-centered: 探索使用者需求(user knows best) – - 找出不同群體、研究不同群體對功能的優先順序 – interpretive flexibility [] – clousure [此文終結類似於對技術產物的共識] –

this is a 系統開發中的設計評估工作。


  • Edwards “technological change is …… a social process: Technologies can and do have social impacts, but they are simultaneously social products that embody power relationships and social goals and structures”.
    技術變革是一種社會歷程: 技術能有社會影響力, 但是社會產品也同時嵌入了權力關係, 社會目標與結構
  • social construction approach –> social construction of technology
    社會建構論, 技術的社會建構

user-centered design

使用者中心設計是開發者, 評估者, 與使用者三方互相溝通協同的過程

“User-centered methods often adopt a circular, iterative process in which evaluation evaluation is a critical component of a design-build-evaluation-analyze spiral.” (Keith Butler, “Usability Engineering Turns 10,” IEEE Interaction 3, no. 1 (1996):59-75)

“After several design iterations – that is, opportunity for developers, evaluators, and users to interact with the technology – the expectation is that the technology will incorporate perspectives of each groups.”



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