Semiotics and indexing / Mai J.-E. (2001)

Citation - Mai, J.-E. (2001). Semiotics and indexing: An analysis of the subject indexing process. Journal of Documentation, 57(5), 591-622.

Keyword - indexing, indexing process, semiotics



索引編製程序有各種不同的主張,而Mai採用三階段的看法,即: (1)決定文件之主題; (2)以語句描述主題; (3)將主題轉換為索引語言。但是傳統典型的索引編製程序並沒有意識到,索引並非是文件主題中立且客觀的呈現,而是為文件預期的使用所作的詮釋。(Indexing is not a neutral and objective representation of a document's subject matter but the representation of an interpretation of a document for furture use.)

Mai以Charles Sander Peirce符號學的角度,對索引編製的程序進行分析。


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