Table of Contents

Toward a new horizon in information science: Domain-analysis / Hjorland & Albrechtsen (1995)

Citation - Hjorland, B., & albrechtsen_h (1995). Toward a new horizon in information science: Domain-analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 46(6), 400-425.

Keywords - domain_analysis, library_and_information_science



本文主張資訊科學應是一門社會學科,而非純粹心智(mantal)學科。 首先,第一部份介紹以往抱持此觀點的重要研究,並討論其研究取向的可能性與限制。第二部分描述最近在知識研究上的跨學科趨勢。從教育、心理學、語言學、科學哲學,到資訊科學。這個新觀點著重於知識在社會上的、生態學的、與內容導向的本質。這與80年代主導的形式化、計算機式的取向正好相反。第三部份比較領域分析與其他資訊科學研究,如認知取向研究與資訊檢索研究的異同。最後,概述需要探究的重要問題,如不同的知識領域如何影響資料庫中不同主題檢索點的資訊價值。




Explicit and Latent Contriblltors to Domain-Analysis

and interdisciplinary studies.

Predecessors to Domain-Analysis in IS

研究知識的跨學科研究趨勢: 從人工智能到論述社群

Transdisciplinary Tendencies in the Understanding of Knowledge: From Artificial Intelligence to Discourse Communities

小結: 不同於個體方法論的領域分析 (p.409)


A manifest for a pragmatic and functionalistic perception of knowledge.

“The epistemological point of departure in this study can be summarized in a few points.

  1. Man is primarily an actor, living and acting in a bio-physical, a socio-cultural and a subjective world.
  2. Living and acting in the three worlds constitutes the a priori of human knowledge.
  3. Since living and acting constitutes the a priori of knowledge, knowledge is constructed in such a way that an application of well constructed knowledge will directly or indirectly serve living and acting.
  4. When knowledge becomes part of an acting system, it functions as an internal action determinant.
  5. There is a continuous interaction between knowledge and action so that knowledge is created in and through action and so that experiences that the actor acquires through action influence subsequent action.
  6. Value-knowledge, factual knowledge, and procedural knowledge are three types of knowledge connected to the three types of internal action determinants. Having value-knowledge means knowing what fulfil the criteria of good values. Having factual knowledge means having true beliefs about the three worlds in which one is living. Having procedural knowledge means knowing how to carry out a specific act or act sequence.
    價值性知識、事實性知識、程序性知識是三種知識類型, 分別與三種內在行動決策相連。 「價值性知識」指知道什麼可以滿足價值標準。「事實性知識」指具有在所生活的三個世界中的真實性信念。「程序性知識」指知道如何完成特定行動。
  7. Knowledge can be unarticulated or articulated. Unarticulated knowledge is, for instance, tacit knowledge, familiarity, knowledge by acquaintance. Knowledge can be articulated in everyday language, science and art.” (Sarvimiiki, 1988, page 58-59 unis')


領域分析 vs 認知典範

認知 領域分析
主要關注以內在心理分析解個人需求, 在資訊生產者與使用者間強調心理學上的理解 從社會觀點與在學科資訊系統內的功能,來了解使用者的需求
聚焦於單一使用者。視學科脈絡為個人認知結構的一部分 知識領域。將個人置於學科脈絡下。
受學科啟發人工智能研究、認知科學 知識社會學、科學研究社會學
心理學上強調認知策略的角色 態度、策略、知識對認知活動的影響
中心概念個人知識結構、個人資訊處理程序、短期與長期記憶、類別與情境分類 科學與專業傳播、文件、學科、主題、資訊結構、典範
方法論個體論取向(individualistic approach) 合作論取向(collectivistic approach)
應用典範使用者介面(資訊系統的外在面) 主題表徵/分類(資訊系統的內在面)
知識理論主要是「理性論的/實證論的」, 趨向詮釋學 科學實在論/趨向詮釋學的社會建構論
本體論立場主觀理性論 (Subjective idealism)實在論 (Realism)

IR (Ellis, 1990)

Eills and information_retrieval: New Horizons in Information Retrieval (Ellis, 1990).



Other References

