Investigating the anomalous states of knowledge hypothesis in a real-life problem situation

Citation - Cole, C., Leide, J., Beheshti, J., Large, A., & Brooks, M. (2005). Investigating the anomalous states of knowledge hypothesis in a real-life problem situation: A study of history and psychology undergraduates seeking information for a course essay. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(14), 1544-1554.

Keyword - Information behavior, Anomalous state of knowledge

研究 59位 McGill 大學部學生進行其歷史與心理學作業時的資訊搜尋需求。訪談工作在學生一開始選定研究主題時展開,訪談的目的是研究學生如何將一般的主題概念,憑藉著他們對主題僅有的模糊概念,轉換為查詢詞彙。為了描繪這個轉換工作,作者引用了Belkin, Oddy & Brooks (1982a, 1982b)的 知識異常態(ASK)假說,並將使用者的知識異常態 透過 a common code based on structural facet 關連到一份相關的文件集。由八種作業書寫風格中,建立一互通架構編碼(inter-operable structure code),並顯示結構面向(notions of structure facet)相容於作業結構高影響性。


  1. the undergraduates' topic statements and terms derived form it do not constitute an effective information need statement because for most of the subjects in the study the topic terms conformed to low-impact essay style;
    大學生的主題陳述與由此而生的詞彙 並未能構成一有效的資訊需求陳述, 因為對大部分受測者而言,主題詞彙與低影響寫作風格相符
  2. essay style is an effective inter-operable structural code for charting the evolution of the undergraduates' knowledge state form ASK to partial resolution of the ASK in an information need statement.



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