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 +==Grounded theory [紮根理論]==
 +=== 定義 ===
 +  * "How the discovery of theory form data - systematically obtained and analyzed in social research - can be furthered." 紮根理論的提出是為了回答;在社會研究中,如何能系統性的獲得與分析資料,以發現理論。(Glaser & Strauss, 1967)
 +  * "to fit empirical situations." "to provide us with relevant predictions, explanations, interpretations and applications." 所發展的理論是為了符合實徵情境,與提供相關的預測、說明、解釋與應用。(Glaser & Strauss, 1967)
 +  * "Grounded theory = Discovery of the theory form data". 因此,簡單來說,由它的目的來說,紮根理論就是由資料中發現理論。(Glaser & Strauss, 1967)
 +==== 適切性與應用 ====
 +  * "Our basic position is that generating grounded theory is a way of arriving at theory suited to its supposed uses....... This is a priori assumption of grounded theory" (P. 230) 我們的基本主張是,紮根理論的產生是一種達到符合設定用途的理論的方法。(Glaser & Strauss, 1967: 230)
 +  * Theory that can meet these requirements muse FIT the situation being researched, and WORK when put into use. 理論能切合被研究的情境,且能運用。(Glaser & Strauss, 1967: 230)
 +    * FIT: The categories must be readily applicable to and indicated by the data under study. 切合: 類目須能輕易的應用,且由研究資料中指出。
 +    * WORK: Must be meaningfully relevant to and be able to explain the behavior under study. 運用: 有意義地相關,且能解釋研究中的行為。
 +=== 社會學、社會研究、理論 ===
 +  * 為了展產生(generating)理論與驗證(verifying)理論。
 +==== 社會學理論的用途 ====
 +The interrelated jobs of theory in sociology are: (Glaser & Strauss, 1967: 230)
 +  - to enable prediction and explanation of behavior; 預測與闡釋行為
 +  - to be useful in theoretical advance in sociology; 社會學進一步的理論發展
 +  - to be usable in practical applications -- prediction and explanation should be able to give practitioner understanding and some control of situations; 有用的實務應用
 +  - to provide a perspective on behavior -- a stance of be taken toward data; 提供行為的觀點
 +  - to guide and provide a style of research on particular areas of behavior. 指引或提供特定領域行為研究風格
 +Thus theory in sociology is a strategy for handling data in research, providing modes of conceptualization for describing and explaining. 因此,社會學中的理論是一種策略,為了能在研究中掌握資料,與提供描述與解釋的概念化模式。
 +=== 紮根社會理論、邏輯演繹社會理論 ===
 +==== 邏輯演繹理論的問題 ====
 +  - 投機者式的使用理論,以使研究能更具普遍的社會學意義。
 +  - 投機者式的尋找實例。
 +  "A researcher can easily find examples for dreamed-up, speculative, or logically deduced theory after the idea has occurred. But since the idea has not been derived from the example, seldom can the example correct or change it (even if the author is willing),since the example was selectively chosen for its confirming power." 研究者能為他的幻想、想像、或是邏輯演繹理論的概念輕易的找到的實例。但是這些概念並非由實例中推導而生的,這些實例也很少能修正或改變先前的想法,因為選擇這些實例是為了證明先前的想法。(Glaser & Strauss, 1967: 213-4)
 +==== 兩者的折衷 ====
 +"The sociologist chooses examples systematically and then allows them to feedback to give theoretical control over his formulations." (Glaser & Strauss, 1967: 232)
 +也有屬於在紮根的與邏輯演繹之間的研究,這類的社會學家系統性的選擇實例,且在理論建構時允許實例回饋理論性控制。如 C. Wright Mills 的研究,雖然其研究是受其理論所規範,但是紮根理論的作者相信這些實例的選擇很少理論控制。相反的,紮根理論由資料本身導出,並描繪實例資料的特徵。
 +=== 四項必須屬性 ===
 +一個紮根的理論必須具備適切性(fit)、理解(understanding)、普遍性(generality)、控制(control)。因此,這四項屬性也被視為紮根理論必須達到的標準。(Strauss & Corbin, 徐宗國譯, 1990: 25)
 +  * "The practical application of grounded sociological theory, whether substantive of formal, requires developing a theory with (at least) four highly interrelated properties. The first requisite property is that the theory must closely fit the substantive area in which it will be used. Second, it must be readily understandable by laymen concerned with this area. Third, it must be sufficiently general to be applicable to a multitude of diverse daily situations within the substantive area, not to just a specific type of situation. Fourth, it must allow the user partial control over the structure and process of daily situations as they change through time." 實務上應用紮根社會學理論發展研究理論,無論是實質的或是形式的,都需要具備四個高度相關的屬性。第一個必要屬性是,理論必須非常適切於被使用的實際領域。第二,理論必須為該領域中的一般人輕易理解。第三,理論必須能普遍有效的應用到實際領域的日常生活情境中,而非只是特定情境。第四,理論必須允許使用者的時間變化中參與控制日常情境的結構與程序。(Glaser & Strauss, 1967: 234)
 +  * "假若理論忠實地反映了每項實質領域的日常生活,而且很小心地由各種資料裡歸納出此一理論,那麼,這個理論應該能很貼切地說明此一領域。而且,為建構這個理論而被研究的人,或是在該項領域服務工作的人,都應該覺得此一理論十分眼熟,而能了然於心。" (Strauss & Corbin, 徐宗國譯, 1990: 25)
 +==== 適切性 (fitness) ====
 +==== 理解 (understanding) ====
 +==== 普遍性 (generality) ====
 +==== 控制 (control) ====
 +  * "The substantive theory must enable the person who uses it to have enough control in everyday situations to make its application worth trying." 實基的理論必須能讓使用的人在日常情境中有足夠的控制,使理論的應用能夠值得一試。
 +  * "The crux of controllability is the production and control of change through 'controllable' variables and 'access' variables. We shall not consideer here hte ethical problems involoved in controlling situations. However, we must emphasize that this discussion concerns only the partial, beneficial, shifting, often benign controls that people already engage in without theoretical guides -- e.g., the nurse controlling her patient's care." 可控制性的關鍵是透過'可操作'變項與'取用權限'變項的產生與切換。在此,我們暫不考慮到控制情境所面臨的道德問題。我們必須強調的在沒有理論性指導中,人們所使用的,局部的,權宜的,有益的控制。 (Glaser & Strauss, 1967: 238)
 +== Notes ==
 +==== 2006-05-01 ====
 +  * 紮根理論強調由資料中導出理論具有實徵客觀性。因此需要在收集資料之前排除理論的控制,而力圖由資料中客觀的導出有系統的理論架構。
 +  * 兩個問題: (1)無理論控制的客觀的可能性;(2)理論飽和,或足以理論概化的的資料數量
 +  * (1)以詮釋學的公設來說,並無絕對客觀的可能性,所有理解都有其前見基礎;以社會建構主義的公設而言,社會的客觀性是由社會相對性的建構而成的。
 +  * (2)資料量的有限性限制之下,理論的建構並非所有研究都能達成的目標
 +==== 2006-05-02 ====
 +  * 呂新科的論文計劃中有提到三種不同對紮根理論限制的批評,其中限制一-- 排除既存理論對研究過程的干擾,近於第一個問題
 +  * 第二個限制是Bruyn(1966)對於紮根理論中的主觀適足性(subject apequacy)的批評
 +  * 第三個限制是Answorth(1997)認為紮根理論只適用於實證主義典範
 +  * ( )
 +== References ==
 +  * Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory and applying grounded theory. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), //The American tradition in qualitative research// (Vol. 2, pp. 229-243): Sage publications.
 +  * Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990 / 1997). 質性研究概論 (徐宗國 譯). 台北市: 巨流.
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