Table of Contents

Genres of organizational communication / Yates & Orlikowski (1992)

Citation - Yates, J., & Orlikowski, W. J. (1992). Genres of Organizational Communication: A Structurational Approach to Studying Communication and Media. The Academy of Management Review, 17(2), 299-326.

Keyword - genre, structuration, organization communication

摘要: 由於傳播是鑲嵌於社會中,而不是視為獨立的理性行動。根據修辭學理論與結構化理論,作者認為組織溝通中的文類,能作為一種有用的研究概念。文類(如,備忘錄、計劃書、會議)是指一種被類型化的溝通行動。這類行動具有相似的語句與形式、相似的回應週期情境。 文類是隨著時間的進行,在機構性實踐與個人行動的修辭性的互動中發展而成。 文類與傳播媒體不同,儘管有時候媒體關係到文類的形式,且新媒體可能引發文類的演化。 在說明文類的概念之後,此文說明文類如何發現既有媒體研究的限制,並呈現文類在解釋歷史性案例的有用性,與對未來研究的影響。

Drawing on rhetorical theory and structuration, this article proposes genres of organizational communication as a concept useful for studying communication as embedded in social process rather than as the result of isolated rational actions. Genres (e.g., the memo, the proposal, and the meeting) are typified communicative actions characterized by similar substance and form and taken in response to recurrent situations. These genres evolve over time in reciprocal interaction between institutionalized practices and individual human actions. They are distinct from communication media, though media may play a role in genre form, and the introduction of new media may occasion genre evolution. After the genre concept is developed, the article shows how it addresses existing limitations in research on media, demonstrates its usefulness in an extended historical example, and draws implications for future research.

Genre 文類



Production, Reproduction, and Change Over Time




Memo Genre 備忘錄文類的興起:歷史研究

activity theory

activity theory

Yates, Three levels of scope with corresponding HCI domain and activity theory terms (based on Spinuzzi 2002e, 8; and Kuutti & Bannon 1993, 266)

level HCI research HCI background theory Activity theory
macroscopic contextual interaction social contexts, enriched information processing, cognitive psychology activity (cultural-histroical, unconscious)
mesoscopic conceptual interaction cognitive psychology, mental model action (goal-directed, conscious)
microscopic physical/technical interaction psychophysiology operation (habitual, unconscious)

Mediation: Artifacts: Genre:

mediating artifacts: material artifacts, mediated this work with maps, reports, and other mediating artifacts. Mediation: Vygotsky, 人類透過外部刺激,由外部控制其行為。

Miller (1984) 新Genre 理論:在不斷重複發生情境中,產生的規律性。




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