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A re-examination of information seeking behaviour in the context of activity theory / Wilson(2006)

Citation - Wilson, T. D. (2006). A re-examination of information seeking behaviour in the context of activity theory. Information Research, 11(4), 11-14.

Keyword - Activity theory

Wilson 簡述 Activity Theory 的源流。前面介紹俄羅斯理論的源流很清楚,把Rubinshtein也拉進來是他處未見的。但之後的段落看起來很混淆,我不理解其介紹相關研究的順序: 先介紹近的(Spasser, 1999, 為何? 因為在WebOfScience找得到嗎?)在介紹遠的(Hjorland, 1997),更別說ARIST當時有幾篇文章也從STS, HCI提到AT了。AT 的版本也是,先 Bedny (2003)然後再 Engestrom(1987),而且稱前者所描繪的理論圖示為「更基本且更接近原創者」(??),有許多引用原文的段落,看起來都是對的,但比起Engestorm自己或 Nardi等為HCI對AT的簡介,此文雖晚出但似乎沒有更容易懂。後段 Wilson 自己有提到採用 AT之後對所進行資訊尋求行為研究的影響,以及洞見的增加。但我自己認為這些概念之前一些學者也不是沒有提(如 Hjorland),歸功AT難道只是因為AT有圖但其他沒有?

而且最後又融合 Bedny 與 Engestrom 的 AT 圖,提出了一種結合兩種的模型… Wilson真的很喜歡畫圖啊。我認為這張圖是 Wilson 自己當時對 AT的理解。


Activity theory, developed in the USSR as a Marxist alternative to Western psychology, has been applied widely in educational studies and increasingly in human-computer interaction research.

Argument. The key elements of activity theory, Motivation, Goal, Activity, Tools, Object, Outcome, Rules, Community and Division of labour are all directly applicable to the conduct of information behaviour research. An activity-theoretical approach to information behaviour research would provide a sound basis for the elaboration of contextual issues, for the discovering of organizational and other contradictions that affect information behaviour. It may be used to aid the design and analysis of investigations.

Elaboration. The basic ideas of activity theory are outlined and an attempt is made to harmonize different perspectives. A contrast is made between an activity system perspective and an activity process perspective and a diagrammatic representation of the process perspective is offered.

Conclusion. Activity theory is not a predictive theory but a conceptual framework within which different theoretical perspectives may be employed. Typically, it is suggested that several methods of data collection should be employed and that the time frame for investigation should be long enough for the full range of contextual issues to emerge. Activity theory offers not only a useful conceptual framework, but also a coherent terminology to be shared by researchers, and a rapidly developing body of literature in associated disciplines.




Leont'ev defines 'activity' as those processes 'that realise a person's actual life in the objective world by which he is surrounded, his social being in all the richness and variety of its forms' (Leont'ev 1977). Thus, society, or 'community' as it is expressed in later activity theory writing, is central to Leont'ev's concept of activity.

Yrjö Engeström 教育與應用

HCI 與 資訊系統研究

資訊科學對AT的引入較慢,到本文發表時,activity theory AND information science' in the Web of Science 只有一篇,Spasser (1999)。LISA 有 18篇,但都是教育與資訊傳播科技的應用,無關資訊科學。




Bedny (2003)


Engestorm (1987)



file link - Google Schloar, XXC

Wilson 雖然認為圖中沒有'motive',但'goal' is closely associated with the concept of 'motive', 並引用 Leont'ev 1977 的文句作為佐證。但我不確定 Wilson 在此特別在意 motive 沒有出現在圖的用意為何? 是他認為應該要出現嗎? Leont'ev 不就有另一張圖顯示 motive, goal, condition 的關係, 為何 Wilson 不在意 condition 沒有在圖中?