Table of Contents

Measuring online information seeking context, Part 1 / Kelly, D. (2006)

Citation - Kelly, Diane. (2006). Measuring online information seeking context, Part 1: Background and method. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(13), 1729-1739.

Keyword - information behavior, context


Context in ISB

definition: = situation (?)

In the information science (IS) literature, the concept of context has often been used in the company of situation. Cool (2001) discusses the relationship between context and situation, and observes that these concepts are often used interchangeably in the literature. In reviewing the conceptualization of situation across a variety of disciplines, Cool (2001) notes various descriptions of situation, and details six major treatments of situation that are believed to be useful to IS, two of which, the problematic situation and the personin- situation, are particularly useful for differentiating between situation and context in the current paper.

Cool, C. (2001). The concept of situation in information science. Annual review of information science and technology, 35, 5-42.

Studying Context in Information Science

R.S. Taylor IUE Cool & Spink (2002) D. Kelly (2006) Courtright (2007) Lin and Belkin (2000)
People - Topic knowledge
Stage information environment problem situation
Problem information seeking Task problem & treatment
Resolution information seeking; IR interaction; Query Stage process
Time(?) episode


Variables Definition Scale
Task 任務 Endurance 耐受度 受測者期望進行任務的時間長度 一日/數日/一週/….
Frequency 頻率 受測者期望進行任務的頻率 每日一兩次/每日/每週一兩次/….
Stage 階段 受測者自認在任務中的階段 開始….結束
Topic 主題 Persistence 堅持 受測者對這個主題預期的興趣會持續多久 一日/數日/一週/….
Familiarity 熟悉度 受測者對主題的知識 不熟悉…熟悉
Usefulness 有用性 Content 內容 受測者認為內容是否有用, 對完成任務有什麼影響… 有用…沒用
Navigation 瀏覽 是否幫助受測者找到有用文獻 有用…沒用
Confidence 信心 對評分有多少信心 低…高



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