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Knowledge Organization [知識組織]

Hjorland (20081)) 認為對於知識組織的完整探討,需要區分狹義與廣義的知識組織。狹義的知識組織指的是人類製作各種知識組織製品的活動,包含知識組織系統(Knowledge organization system, KOS)知識組織過程(Knowledge organization process, KOP)。廣義的知識組織即指社會中人類為了知識工作所作的各種社會分級與分工,例如學科區分,媒體傳播的社會組織與機構,知識的生產與刊布的產業與過程分工,等等。



Hjorland 的定義: 表徵知識結構的語意工具,包含各種學科界分與社會分工。

Knowledge organization systems (KOS) is a general term referring to, among other things, the tools that present the organized interpretation of knowledge structures. This meaning of the term correspond to “semantic tools”. In a broader way KOS may be understood also as, for example, libraries, encyclopedias, disciplines and the social division of labor in society. 2)

Hodge(2000)的定義 (廣為數位圖書館/數位典藏研究者所採用的): 一種用來組織資訊的分類基模。

“The term knowledge organization systems is intended to encompass all types of schemes for organizing information and promoting knowledge management. Knowledge organization systems include classification and categorization schemes that organize materials at a general level, subject headings that provide more detailed access, and authority files that control variant versions of key information such as geographic names and personal names. Knowledge organization systems also include highly structured vocabularies, such as thesauri, and less traditional schemes, such as semantic networks and ontologies. Because knowledge organization systems are mechanisms for organizing information, they are at the heart of every library, museum, and archive. “ (Hodge, 2000).


Hodge 定義的、能被數位圖書館所利用的 KOS ,都具有以下共同特徵;

Hjorland 認為 Hodge所定義的KOS 只是一部分,而還有其他更廣範圍的KOS,如



知識分類: 學術分類與本體論分類

學術分類 本體論分類
柏拉圖與亞里斯多德(Plato & Aristotle) 亞里斯多德 範疇論
樸爾斐利知識之樹(Porphyry's Tree of knowledge), 232-302AD
Muhammade-Farabi, 10th
Ibn Sina, 10th
Roger Bacon's Tree of Knowledge, 1266
Francis Bacon, 1605
Auguste Comte, 1830
Herbert Spencer, 1864]


學術分類 本體論分類
孔子 四科
墨家 (墨學分科?3))
司馬談 論六家要旨


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2023/01/29 13:28


Hjorland, B. (2008). What is Knowledge Organization (KO)? Knowledge Organization. International Journal devoted to Concept Theory, Classification, Indexing and Knowledge Representation, 35(2/3), 86-101.
張純一1923墨學分科: 《墨学分科》以西方近代学科分类排列比附墨家学说,分门别类地归结《墨子》与西方近代科学知识的相似处。郑杰文,20世紀墨學研究史,頁133