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A new methodological approach to bibliographic coupling and its application to the national regional and institutional level / Glanzel & Czerwon (1996)


Citation - Glanzel, W. & Czerwon, H. J. (1996). A New Methodological Approach to Bibliographic Coupling and Its Application to the National, Regional and Institutional Level. Scientometrics 37 (2): 195-221.

Keyword - Bibliographic Coupling, bibliometrics


  • 在作者早期的研究中,顯示書目耦合能夠找出熱門的研究主題
    In an earlier study the authors have shown that bibliographic coupling techniques can be used to identify 'hot' research topics.
    • 書目耦合的方法同時基於相關文件數量與其書目連結強度的門檻值。
      The methodology is based on appropriate thresholds for both number of related documents and the strength of bibliographic links.
    • 這些被稱為核心文件論文擁有超過九個以上,至少強度為 Salton 測量 0.25的論文、註記或評論文章的連結。
      Those papers are called core documents that have more than 9 links of at least the strength 0.25 according to Salton's measure, provided they are articles, notes or reviews.
    • 核心文件是科學文獻傳播網絡中的重要節點。
      Core documents proved important nodes in the network of documented science communication.
  • 在最近的研究中,已經分析出不同期刊、次領域與組織中的核心文件。
    In the present study, the set of core documents is analysed by journals, subfields and corporate addresses.
    • 最新的分析同時針對國家與地方機構層級 The latter analysis is conducted on both national and regional-institutional level.
    • 首先,探索所有在 1992 年曾出版過至少20篇核心文件的國家的研究特徵、國際合作樣式、與其引文影響力。
      First all countries which have published at least 20 core documents in 1992 are investigated in terms of their research profiles, their international collaboration patterns and their citation impact.
    • 最後,分析八個在 1992 年曾出版過至少20篇核心文件的歐盟成員的區域與機構性核心文件分佈狀況。
      Finally, those eight members of the European Union which have published at least 20 core documents in 1992 are analysed in respect of regional and institutional distribution of core documents.


  • 簡介
  • 研究方法
  • 資料分析
  • 分析次領域與期刊的核心文獻 Analysis of 'core documents' by subfields and journals
  • 分析國家層次的核心文獻 Analysis of 'core documents' by corporate addresses at the national level
    • 核心文獻的分佈比例 Share of 'core documents'
    • 核心文獻的國家研究特徵 National research profiles of 'core documents'
    • 核心文獻反映的國際合作 International collaboration reflected by 'core documents'
    • 核心文獻與引文分析 Citation analysis of 'core documents'
  • 由區域與機構層次分析歐洲核心文獻 Analysis of European 'core documents' at the regional and institutional level
  • 結論 Concluding remarks



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