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On the construction of sociotechnical networks / Callon & Law (1989)

Citation - Callon, M., & Law, J. (1989). On the construction of sociotechnical networks: content and context revisited. Knowledge and Society: Studies in the Sociology of Science Past and Present, 8, p.57-83.

Keyword -

  • 對科學與技術創新的瞭解,與對經濟與社會結構的瞭解,以往被視為是兩個各自的領域。但是在這兩個場域之間仍有協商的空間。
  • In this paper we put forward a different and initially counter-intuitive argument by suggesting that though a distinction between context and content is indeed relevant to the understanding of science-society relations, this is not something whose location and character can be legislated by the analyst. We argue that it is a division that is negotiated and renegotiated by the actors themselves.
    Callan & Law 認為對情境(context)與內容(content)的區分,對瞭解科學/社會關係而言,是至其相關的;而這科學/社會彼此間的位置與特徵不是能被分析所合法化的。他們主張這種區分是來自於行動者們(actors)自己內部的協商與再協商過程。
  • Callan & Law 認為研究行動者尋找與建立彼此連結,如實驗室與消費者、科學知識與生產方法、科學政策與經濟成長,是重要的。此種行動者間的連結建立,即社會-科技網路的建構與轉化(construction and transformation of socio-technical networks)。
  • 對轉化(translation)的定義:提出或建立[計畫、旨趣、目標、自然浮現的實體(可能被各自區分開的物件)間的關係組合]的一種程序。
    We define translation as a process in which sets of relations between projects, interests, goals, and naturally occurring entities–objects which might otherwise be quite separate from one another–are proposed and brought into being.

Preforming and mobilizing networks: the construction of negotiation spaces


  • 被科學家動員的資源:
    • CNEXO
    • 法國消費者
    • 科學家社群
    • 地區性權力機構,商會或類似的官方或非官方組織
      local and regional authorities, chambers of commerce and similar government and nongovernmental organization.
  • spokesperson - [translation] - mobilization



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