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study:bettencourt_l._a_lusch_r._f_vargo_s._l._2014_._a_service_lens_on_value_creation [2018/08/12 17:52] (current) – created - external edit
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 +== A service lens on value creation: Marketing's role in achieving strategic advantage
 +**Citation** - Bettencourt, Lance A, Lusch, Robert F, & Vargo, Stephen L. (2014). A service lens on value creation: Marketing's role in achieving strategic advantage. California management review, 57(1), 44-66. 
 +**Keyword** - Corporate Strategy, Value Creation, Marketing, Strategic Planning, Innovation, Management Philosophy
 +== Abstract
 +* 透過服務透鏡,檢視企業的價值創造過程。讓行銷能領導企業轉型,成為與顧客共創價值的角色。
 +== 如何問問題
 +* 雖然行銷一直主張以顧客為中心,但實務上,行銷工作仍然主要為了讓企業賣出更多產品給消費者。因此,行銷研究往往只偏重分析「影響購買的行為」。
 +* 傳統的「顧客中心」是基於製造業的思維:商品主導邏輯(goods-dominant logic)。
 +** 價值創造的重點:企業的生產活動
 +** 問問題:
 +*** 「我們應怎麼做?」「我們怎麼才能做得更好?」「我們怎麼樣才任幫助顧客買更多?」
 +*** 「產品要用什麼新技術?」「產品該加什麼功能?」
 +* 與此相反,「服務透鏡」
 +** 價值創造的重點:協助顧客解決更多問題,或完成更多個工作
 +** 問問題:
 +*** 「顧客本來要解決的問題/目的是什麼?」「怎麼幫顧客把事情做得更好?」
 +*** 「企業有什麼獨到能力,可以幫上忙?」「企業還能整合哪些夥伴,可以一起幫上忙?」
 +== 相關理論
 +* [[:service-dominant logic]] (SDL)  服務主導邏輯:「價值創造」的基礎理論
 +* [[:jobs-to-be-done]] (JTBD) 用途理論:策略與方法
 +== The Need for a Service Lens in Marketing
 +* 傳統,
 +** 行銷學創始時,「財富」來自於如何將自然資源轉變成有形商品。
 +** 行銷思惟與實務,受限於這種大量生產導向(largely production-oriented )的經濟模式。在這種模式下,行銷的角色與價值是,透過推廣、通路配送、定價等等手段,促進買賣雙方的交易與交換。
 +* 新時代,
 +** 更加強調使用價值(value-in-use)、組織能力(知識與技能)、網絡、與動態環境。
 +** 但行銷工作,仍然受限於傳統工作所留下來的思維:
 +*** 市場(markets) 仍然由「買什麼/賣什麼」來定義,市場份額仍然是企業獲利的動力。
 +*** 顧客(customers)仍然被視為目標(targets),只能被動地接受生產者所提供的產品與價值。
 +** 當代行銷應當,
 +*** 創造價值,而非只是協助生產者傳遞價值。
 +*** 顧客在使用脈絡中創造的價值,而非只是購買行為中交換的價值。
 +== A Service Lens for Marketing: Four Value Creation Premises
 +* 為了完成工作所雇用的某事某物,即為服務 \\ Service is what is always hired to get a job done.
 +* 顧客會為了成功完成工作,共創價值。 \\ The customer always co-creates value to get a job done successfully.
 +* 企業或個人,為了完成工作,會整合相關資源。 \\ All firms and individuals integrate resources to get an entire job done.
 +* 價值只存在於,滿足用途的特定脈絡中。 \\ Value is always specific to the context in which a job is done.
 +^ 服務透鏡前提 ^ 問題類型 ^
 +|為了完成工作所雇用的某事某物,即為服務  \\ Service is what is always hired to get a job done. |<WRAP>
 +* 企業提供什麼服務?\\ What service does the company offer to the market—applied know-how?
 +* 顧客現在正在雇用公司,完成什麼工作? 還想要多完成哪些工作? \\ For what jobs are customers presently hiring company know-how? What other jobs are potential customers wanting to get done that might benefit from company know-how?
 +* 公司還有哪些獨到之處,能幫上其他人的? \\ What unique know-how does the company possess that might benefit someone else?
 +* 公司還能增加那些獨到之處,能夠幫上顧客的? \\ What unique know-how might the company acquire or develop because it would be valuable to customers in getting their jobs done. 
 +</WRAP> |
 +|顧客會為了成功完成工作,共創價值。 \\ The customer always co-creates value to get a job done successfully. |<WRAP>
 +* 顧客「完成工作」有哪些成功標準? 是否有價值排序?  \\ What are customers’ success criteria in getting a job done? Are there segments of customers with unique value priorities?
 +* 是否有些顧客,願意與企業一起把工作做完? 顧客尋求的是「減緩的」或是「強化的」服務? \\ Are some customers more or less willing and able to partner with the company in getting their job done? Are customers looking for more of a “relieving” or enabling” service?
 +* 公司應該提供那些價值? 公司應該提供那些新服務,協助顧客更好的完成工作? \\ What value might the company propose to offer? What new service might the company offer to better relieve and enable potential customers in getting their jobs done based on the criteria they use to judge success?
 +* 公司如何可以協助顧客更好的完成工作? 顧客有哪些資源可以做為共創價值之用? \\ What should the company do to better relieve or enable customers to get their job done? How might customer resources be better utilized to support value co-creation?
 +</WRAP> |
 +|企業或個人,為了完成工作,會整合相關資源。 \\ All firms and individuals integrate resources to get an entire job done. |<WRAP>
 +* 從顧客的角度來看,共創價值的過程會是如何? 有什麼是完成整個工作所必須的? (不只限現在可以做的) \\ What does the process of value co-creation look like from a customer perspective? What must be accomplished to get the overall job done (looking beyond how It is done today)?
 +*在完成工作時,顧客整合了哪些資源? 採取了那些行動? 顧客的資源與行動,加速或妨礙了完成工作? \\ What resources are customers integrating to get their job done? What actions does a customer take to get a job done? How do or might customer resources and actions facilitate or hinder success in getting a job done?
 +* 與完成任務相關,有哪些利害關係者(企業內部或外部)? 哪個角色對於共創價值至關重要? 彼此了解各自的角色嗎? 他們願意投入嗎? \\ Who are all of the stakeholders (internal or external to the firm) that are involved in getting a job done successfully? What role must each play in supporting value co-creation? Does each understand their role? Are they willing and able to fulfill it?
 +* 哪些是服務潛在的資源(內部或外部)? 對顧客有多大的價值? \\ What is the “service potential” of internal and external resources? How might the service potential of current resources be enhanced based on the value priorities of customers?
 +* 公司的能力能否更好的結合顧客資源、企業夥伴、社會? 哪些是必要的新資源? \\ How might company know-how be better integrated with the resources of customers, partners, and society at large to deliver beneficial service? What new resources, institutions, and structures might be required?
 +</WRAP> |
 +|價值只存在於,滿足用途的特定脈絡中。 \\ Value is always specific to the context in which a job is done. |<WRAP>
 +* 整體顧客體驗看起來如何? 公司所負責提供的顧客體驗看起來如何? \\ What does the total customer experience look like in getting a job done? What does the total customer experience with a company offering entail?
 +* 脈絡如何形塑顧客的工作成功標準? \\ How are customers’ success criteria in getting a job done shaped by context?
 +* 脈絡如何影響顧客完成工作的能力? 取用資源、阻礙、等等? 什麼導致浪費、失敗、與次佳的結果? \\ How does context affect customers’ ability to get a job done – access to resources, barriers to success, and so on? What are the causes of waste, failure, and suboptimal results in getting a job done?
 +* 如何把公司的產品打造為有魅力的服務? 哪些是必要整合的資源? \\ How might company offerings be shaped to provide desired service in the unique contexts in which they will be used? What unique resource integration is required?
 +</WRAP> |
 +== A Service Lens for Strategic Advantage
 +== Implementing a Service Lens
 +== Note 
 +== Metadata/Backlinks 
 +**file link** - [[google.s>bettencourt l. a lusch r. f vargo s. l. 2014 . a service lens on value creation|Google Schloar]],