Dynamics of classification systems / Albrechtsen & Jacob (1998)
Citation - Albrechtsen, H., & Jacob, E. K. (1998). The Dynamics of Classification Systems as Boundary Objects for Cooperation in the Electronic Library. Library Trends, 47(2), 293-312.
Keyword - classification, digital_library
- The notation of the classification schema as a traditional element or “boundary object” (Star, 1989) offers an alternative to the more traditional approach that views classification as an organizational structure imposed upon a body of knowledge to facilitate access within a universal and frequently static framework.
將分類法架構視為一種傳統元素或劃界物件(Star, 1989),提供了一種與傳統不同的取向。這種新的取向認為分類法是一種組織性結構,利用知識以取用一普遍且靜態的架構。 - Recognition of the underlying relationship between user access and the collective knowledge structures that are the basis for knowledge production indicates the dynamic role of classification in supporting coherence and articulation across heterogeneous contexts.
指認出使用者取用與集體知識結構間的底層關係,是 發現 有助於凝聚與接合異質脈絡的 分類法 在 知識生產 中扮演的動態角色 的基礎。 - To this end, it is argued that the Library should be an active participant in the production of knowledge, and that this role can be effected by the development of classificatory structure that can support the needs of a diverse information ecology consisting of a complex web of interacting agents, users, and technologies.
為了此一目的,此文主張: 圖書館應該成為一個在知識生產中的主動參與者。並且,此一角色應被 分類結構的發展 所影響;而並假定此分類結構的發展,有助於區分行動者、使用者、與技術間的互動複雜網絡資訊生態環境。 - Within such an information ecology, a classificatory structure cannot follow a one-size-fits-all paradigm but must evolve in cooperative interaction between librarians and their user groups.
classification systems: from rationalism and empiricism to social constructivism
classification and boundary objects
- boundary object:
- Star 1989
- as a structure for coordinating distributed work, such as may occur with a scientific enterprise that not only involves heterogeneous actors, elements, and goal but also incorporates different research methods, values, and language. From her field work with scientific communities.
- types of boundary object
the role of classifications in diverse information ecologies
something old, something new, something universal, something local
classification as boundary object in library: librarians adn user in mutual design activity
collaborative development and the agency of libraries
file link - Google Schloar, XXC