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science_wars [2016/10/23 04:11] (current) – created - external edit
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 +==Science wars [科學論戰]
 +[[wp>science wars]]
 +科學戰爭,從1990年代開始,由後現代主義論者(postmodernists)與實在論者(realists)(雖然雙方都不接受這樣的立場分類)在科學理論上的爭議。後現代主義論者質疑科學客觀性,並且以文化研究([[:cultural study]])、文化人類學([[:cultural anthropology]])、女性主義研究([[:feminist study]])、比較文學([[:comparative literature]])、媒體研究([[:media study]])、以及[[:STS|科學與技術研究]]取向批評科學知識與科學方法。而實在論者以確實有客觀科學知識予以反擊,並且控訴後現代主義論者在批評之餘的根本不瞭解這些知識主題。
 +* [[:people:Karl Popper]]
 +* [[:people:Thomas Kuhn]]
 +* [[:people:Alan Sokal]]
 +* [[:people:Imre Lakatos]]
 +* [[:people:Paul Feyerabend]]
 +* [[:people:Bruno Latour]] : 實驗室生活 Laboratory Life
 +* [[:people:David Bloor]]
 +* [[:people:Barry Barnes]]
 +* [[:people:Steve Fuller]]
 +* [[:event:Sokal affair]]
 +* [[:philosophy of science]]
 +* [[:sociology of knowledge]]
 +* [[:sociology of scientific knowledge]], SSK [[]], Edinburgh School
 +* [[:Strong Programme]]
 +{{tag>"scientific philosophy"}}