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Mobile phones as second screen for TV, enabling inter-audience interaction /Lochrie & Coulton (2011)

Citation - Lochrie, M., & Coulton, P. (2011). Mobile phones as second screen for TV, enabling inter-audience interaction. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology.

Keyword - second screen, interactive TV

本文作者一年後再另一個研討會有一篇與此一樣的發表文章Lochrie, M., & Coulton, P. (2012). Tweeting with the telly on!: Mobile Phones as Second Screen for TV. Paper presented at the IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 2012. 。前兩節與結論一樣,但多了兩節介紹相關應用。


  • 背景/動機:
    • 不論數位娛樂擴展到何種形式,電視節目與活動永遠能創造出觀眾想要的大眾分享體驗。
      Despite the ever expanding forms of digital entertainment, there are still Television (TV, telly) shows and events that create an audience desire to be part of a mass shared experience.
    • 過去,觀眾間直接互動,只能限於同在一個空間、同一個播放的時間,或是稍後與朋友同事們在茶水間稍加討論一番。
      In the past direct inter-audience interaction of such events has been restricted to either a shared location at the time of broadcast or later discussions amongst friends and colleagues often described as ‘water cooler moments’.
    • 線上社會網絡的到來,讓觀眾能夠即時分享現況的狀態與想法,成為與電視互動的第二個螢幕。
      With the advent of online social networks that facilitate status updates these moments can be instantly shared in real-time, creating a second screen for direct interaction with TV.
  • 假定:
  • 方法:
  • 資料:
    • 在此論文中,我們分析周末黃金時段英國電視節目“the X-Factor” 的tweets,研究社會媒體在作為電視次螢幕的促進角色。
      In this paper we investigate the role of social media as the facilitator of second screen for TV, through the analysis of tweets for weekend primetime UK TV show the X-Factor.
  • 發現:
    • 分析結果呈現豐富的資訊內容,這對廣播從業者與製作人而言,在重振電視收視與創造新型態的觀眾互動方面,都有極大的潛力。
      The results highlight the rich source of information that can be extracted in real-time and its enormous potential for broadcasters and producers both in terms of reinvigorating live TV viewing and creating new forms of audience interaction.

(假定: 行動裝置是電視觀看的第二螢幕。)




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