Table of Contents

Introduction (of Sage Handbook of action research, 2ed) / Reason & Bradbury (2008)

Citation - Reason, P., & Bradbury, H. (2008). Introduction. In P. Reason & H. Bradbury (Eds.), The Sage handbook of action research (2 ed., pp. 1-10). London: Sage Publications.

Keyword - action research


Action research is a family of practices of living inquiry that aims, in a great variety of ways, to link practice and ideas in the service of human flourishing. It is not so much a methodology as an orientation to inquiry that seeks to create participative communities of inquiry in which qualities of engagement, curiosity and question posing are brought to bear on significant practical issues. (p.1)

With in an action research project, communities of inquiry and action evolve and address questions and issues that are significant for those who participate as co-researchers. Typically such communities engage in more or less systematic cycles of action and reflection: in action phases co-researchers test practices and gather evidence; in reflection stages they make sense together and plan further actions. (p.1)


Action research primarily arises … as people try to work together to address key problems in their communities or organizations – some of which involve creating positive change on a small scale and others of which affect the live of literally millions of people. (p.1)

行動研究可以是社會或政治運動的一部分。個案:2006諾貝爾和平獎得主 Mohammed Yunus 與 Grameen Bank (鄉村銀行),便是源自於一個1978年展開的行動研究計畫。1)

On an even wider scale, action research projects and programmes such as these can also be seen as part of social and political movements for liberation and development working on a national and international scale…. the Nobel Peace Prize to Mohammed Yunus and Grammen Bank in Bangladesh. While we have yet to more fully understand Yunus' work from the perspective of action research, we quote form the work of our colleague at Harvard's Hauser Center, itself an action research think tank, who describes Grameen as an action research process: 'Yunus tested the hypothesis that accountability to peers might replace collateral as an incentive for poor borrowers to repay small loans, and helped create the practice innovations for a micro-credit movement that now serves millions of borrowers aroud the world (Brown, 2002:32)'

歷史起源:Lewin 與其他二戰後的社會科學研究者。自由論者,如 Paulo Freire 。哲學上的 liberal humanism, pragmatism, phenomenology, critical theory, systemic thinking and social construction; 不同領域中學術與專業實踐工作, organization development, teaching, health promotion and nursing, and community development both in Western countries and in the majority world. (p.3)


None of these origins is well linked to the mainstream of academic research with its conventional if unsupportable notions of objectivity in either North America or Europe: objectivist, hypothetico-deductive research retains a dominance, and although this has been strongly challenged by qualitative and interpretive approaches to research, the emphasis of the latter has been on representation of the world rather than action within in (Greenwood and Levin, 2001)(p.3)


Indeed it is more useful to compare action research to the clinical practice of physicians than to the work of conventional social scientists. We are intrigued that in the USA the National Institute of Health now regularly calls for 'participative action research' when soliciting grant proposals, and the World Bank publishes a Participation Sourcebook.




action research is a participatory process concerned with developing practical knowing in the pursuit of worthwhile human purposes. It seeks to bring together action and reflection, theory and practice, in participation with others, in the pursuit of practical solutions to issues of pressing concern to people, and more generally the flourishing of individual persons and their communities. (p.4)


行動研究與傳統學術研究(conventional academic research)的異同(p.4):

不同 行動研究 陳規學術研究
produce practical knowledge
research relationship
:參與研究對象。與對象共同提問、行動、解讀研究 :超然於研究對象
conceiving knowledge
knowledge is a living, evolving process of coming to know rooted in everyday experience; it is a verb rather than a noun.
relation to practice

參與轉向(participative turn)或行動轉向(action turn),將帶領我們超越近年來的「語言學轉向(language turn)」典範。(p.5)


the primary purpose of action research is not to produce academic theories based on action; nor is it to produce theories about action; nor is it to produce theoretical or empirical knowledge that can be applied in action; it is to liberate the human body, mind and spirit in the search for a better, freer world.(p.5)

First-, Second-, Third-Person Research/Practice




We suggest that the most compelling and enduring kind of action research will engage all three strategies.

A family of approaches


We thoroughly agree with Robert Chambers' call in Chapter 20 for an 'eclectic pluralism [which] means that branding, labels, ownership and ego give way to sharing, borrowing, improvisation and creativity, all these complemented by mutual and critical reflective learning and personal responsibility for good practice' (p.312)



file link - Google Schloar, XXC

“From its origins as an action-research project in 1976, Grameen Bank has grown to provide collateral-free loans to 7.5 million clients in more than 82,072 villages in Bangladesh and 97% of whom are women.”