Table of Contents

Social and Cultural Anthropology: The Key Concepts

Citation - Rapport, N., & Overing, J. (2000). Social and Cultural Anthropology: The Key Concepts. London: Routledge. Rapport, N.、Overing, J.(2005)。社會文化人類學的關鍵概念(Social and culural anthropology: The key concepts)(鮑雯妍、張亞輝譯)。北京:華夏出版社。

Keyword -



agent, agency, alterity, auto-authropology, children, classification, code, cognitive, common sense, community, consciousness, contradiction, conversation, culture, cybernetics, dialogics, analogics, discourse, enthnomethodology, form and content, gender, gossip, home and homelessness, human right, humanism, individualism, individuality, interaction, interpretation, irony, kinship, liminality, literariness, methodological eclecticism, methodological individualism and holism, moments of being, movement, myth, narrative, network, non-places, post-modernism, qualitative methodology, quantitative methodology, reading, rural idyll, science, situation and context, society, stereotypes, thick description, tourism, transaction, unhomely, urbanism, violence, visualism, world-making, world-view, writing


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