Table of Contents

Knowing by structuring / Nystrand (1977)

Citation: Nystrand, M. (1977). Knowing by structuring. In M. Nystrand (Ed.), Language as a way of knowledge (pp. 5-11). Toronto: The Ontario institute for studiees in education.

The notion of an active man constructing a representation of the world and acting accordingly is a mayor contemporary theme.

此一假定說法之哲學起源可以追溯到Heraclitus(赫拉克里特斯: 所有事物都是流動的)。

Stephen Pepper

Stephen Pepper 1) 的各種世界假說 (World Hypotheses, 1942)

Piaget's adaptational modes

Piaget maintains that the concept of biological and intellectual adaptation logically necessitates a notion of organization. This is on this basis that he posites the existence of two functional invariants, adaptation and organization. (Nystrand, 1977: 6)

* Schema / 基模 : 組織的基礎單位

He notes that while infant development is characteried by the progressive assimilation of and accommodation to relatively simple behavioral patterns, adolescence is characterized by the development of the schemata of formal operational thought. / 他注意到雖然幼兒發展是由對相關的單純行為樣式進行同化與調適所行程的,而青春期少年是由規範性的操作思想發展所構成的。(Nystrand, 1977: 6)

Kelly's personal construct

George Kelly 的個人建構是關於個性的發展。即,Piaget 處理的主要是對有形現實的適應,而 Kelly 處理的是個人現實概念的發展。(Piaget deals primarily with adpatation to physical reality, while Kelly deals with the development of a notion of personal reality. – Nystrand, M., 1977:7)

personal construct

Kelly 視 “everyman” 都像是個科學家。其的組織單位是個人構念(personal construct),定義為:一種雙極(bipolar)組織結構或個體「創造並嘗試符合組成世界的現實」的「樣板(template)」。 (Nystrand, M. 1977:7)

Bannister 與 Fransella 認為 Kelly 的建構理論認為人是:

a categorizing animal. All perception involves categorizing. If you see something you have never seen before you will already have categorized it as “something I have never seen before.” At birth (and before) stimuli are categorized in the sense that the nervous system deals differently with light and sound stimuli, and so no. At the other extreme, in complex social behaviors, categorizing is very evident. A person reacts to others depending on how he has categorized them. Probably the most general dichotomous social category is “Us versus Them.” [1971, p. 7] / (人是)一種分類動物。所有感覺都與分類有關。如果你看到一種之前沒有看過的東西,你已經把它分類成為「之前沒有看過的東西」了。人一出生時神經系統就把刺激區分為光與聲音,與其他。另一個極端的例子,再一個複雜的社會行為中,分類行為也是非常明顯的。人會根據他對對象的分類來決定如何反應。也許最普遍的二元社會分類是「我們對他們」。

unit of experience

unit of experience: a cycle embracing five phases: anticipation(預期), investment(投入), encounter(遭遇), confirmation(證明) or disconfirmation(證非), and constructive revision(建構性的改版). (Kelly, 1870:18)

Other resources

Kuhn's Paradigm

Thomas Kuhn 的科學發展理論與 Piaget 對認知發展的分析,以及 Kelly 對人格發展的分析相近。Kuhn 的組織單位是 paradigm (範式),一種集結在學科中被普遍接受,但是並不顯現的建構性與整體集合。

paradigm's adaptation process:


sum up three theories

following questions

Kuhndiscovery 發現 revolutionary scicence 科學革命exploration 探索 normal science 常規科學
Bruner left hand 左手 right hand 右手
Polanyi heuristic 啟發 routine 常規
Piaget accommodatory 調適 assimliatory 同化