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The machineries of context / Hinton (2009)

Citation - Hinton, A. (2009). The Machineries of Context: New Architectures for a New Dimensio. Journal of Information Architecture, 1(1), 37-47.

Keyword - information architecture




許多不同資訊工作者都使用了「建築師(架構師)」這樣的字詞。各式各樣的用法,例如 John Zachman 的企業架構(Enterprise Architecture),資訊設計專家 Richard Saul Wurman 的資訊架構。Morville 在 2000 年一次專訪中談到這件事:「我們從1994年開始使用蓋房子(架構)這個隱喻,到了1995年,我們開始在網際網路評論雜誌(Web Review magazine)上寫『網際網路建築師(Web architect)』這個專欄。然後,到了1996年,Wurman 的書『資訊建築師(Information Architects)』吸引了我們。一開始,我們為資訊架構學獲得主流的重視感到興奮;然而等到我們了解書裡面的內容,才知道他對資訊架構的定義與我們不同。他著重於資訊在二維頁面上的呈現與布局,而我們著重的是網站的組織與架構。我們認為,在我們的世界觀中,Wurman書中的資訊建築師充其量只是室內設計師或資訊設計師而已,並不真的是資訊架構。當然,並不是所有人都同意我們。對資訊架構的定義到今天仍然在熱烈且健康地討論著。這些討論都有助於讓我們克服語言文字的模糊,描繪涉及政治與情感的資訊架構設計。1))」
The use of the word architect for similar kinds of information-oriented work arose in multiple places. IT professionals were using variations, as were Enterprise Architecture pioneer John Zachman and information-design leader Richard Saul Wurman (who has a background in architecture). Morville explicitly addressed this issue in 2000: “We first began using the metaphor of building architecture as a way to explain our focus back in 1994. In 1995, we began writing the “Web Architect” column for Web Review magazine. Then, in 1996, Richard Saul Wurman's book Information Architects caught our eye. At first, we were excited by the notion that information architecture was becoming mainstream. But when we read the book, we realized that his definition of information architecture didn't match ours. He focused on the presentation and layout of information on a two-dimensional page. We focused on the structure and organization of sites. We brashly decided that in our world view, Wurman was really talking about the digital equivalent of interior design or information design, not true information architecture. Of course, not everyone would agree. A healthy and sometimes heated debate over the definition of information architecture continues to this day. These debates are a good illustration of the ambiguity of language and of the political and emotional implications of information architecture design.”



file link - Google Schloar, XXC

Hill, S. An Interview with Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morville, 2000. (retrieved 2009-03-28