Table of Contents

Social network analysis: an approach and technique for the study of information exchange / Haythornthwaite (1996)

Citation - Haythornthwaite, C. (1996). Social network analysis: an approach and technique for the study of information exchange. Library and Information Science Research, 18(4), 323-342.

Keyword - social network analysis



Principles 原則

Relationships and Ties

exchanged infrequently.
強度: 強度表示關係的緊密度。較強的關係,表示有較多的物品可以交換,或有較高的交換頻率。 * tie Strength: 兩個行動者間的關係。 * Granovetter (1973) “strength of weak ties.

Social Networks

Social network analysts approach networks in two ways. One approach uses egocentric networks;, which provide a view of the network from the perspective of an actor in the network. The other approach uses whole networking which provide a view of the whole structure of the environment.

Network Principles

Five principles that network analysts often use to examine an actor’s network are: (Burt, 1992b; Nohria, 1992).

  1. cohesion, grouping actors according to strong common relationships with each other,
  2. structural equivalence, grouping actors according to similarity in relations with others,
  3. prominence, indicating who is “in charge,”
  4. range, indicating the extent of an actor’s network, and
  5. brokerage, indicating bridging connections to other networks

