Table of Contents

Theorizing information for information science / Cornelius (2002)

Author: Ian Cornelius
Form: ARIST 2002
Keyword: information science, information theory

reviews: 回顧資訊科學中的資訊理論

“information science as an empirical discipline is not concerned with what informaiton is in an ontological or metaphysical sense….. The subjcet of concern to information science is the pheonomena throught whicn the nature of information is revealed and embodied.”(p. 68) “作為一種實證學科的資訊科學,並非關注資訊的本體論或是形上學論點,而是關注於透過資訊顯現與具體本質而掌握的現象”

maps, surveys, guides

information outside information science: process theories

Informaiton and information science: the cognitive turn

資訊與資訊科學; 認知科學轉向

Measurement, meaning, and misinformation

測量, 意義, 與錯誤資訊

Other contributions
