== Metadata management: past, present and future / Sen, A. (2004) **Citation** - Sen, A. (2004). Metadata management: past, present and future. Decision Support Systems, 37(1), 151-173. **Keyword** - [[:Metadata]], [[:Metadata management]], [[:Data warehouse]], [[:Decision support]], [[:Metadata warehouse]] == Abstract * 背景/動機: ** 以往,詮釋資料(metadata)只是資料庫與資料倉儲世界的次等公民;它主要的目的在於定義資料。\\ In the past, metadata has always been a second-class citizen in the world of databases and data warehouses. Its main purpose has been to define the data. ** 然而,現今在資料倉儲與軟體儲存社群中,詮釋資料的重要性已經被顯著的提升了。組織需要利用詮釋資料整合不同的工具、資料與變革管理。\\ However, the current emphasis on metadata in the data warehouse and software repository communities has elevated it to a new prominence. The organization now needs metadata for tool integration, data integration and change management. * 假定:(N/A) * 方法:(N/A) * 資料: ** 本文從概念與管理的觀點,描述詮釋資料演變的過程。\\ The paper presents a chronological account of this evolution—both from conceptual and management perspectives. * 發現: ** 在現代,為了工具與資料整合的目的,人們利用儲存庫概念(repository concepts)來管理詮釋資料。\\ Repository concepts are currently being used to manage metadata for tool integration and data integration. ** 在演變的最後階段,我們提出"詮釋資料倉儲"的概念。一個真實生活資料倉儲的計畫 TAMUS Information Portal (TIP) 可以隨著時間演變,描繪資料倉儲所需的詮釋資料類型。\\ As a final chapter in this evolution process, we point out the need of a concept called “metadata warehouse.” A real-life data warehouse project called TAMUS Information Portal (TIP) is used to describe the types of metadata needed in a data warehouse and the changes that the metadata go through. ** 我們建議設計一個能儲存詮釋資料並管理其變動的詮釋資料倉儲。並建議數種發展詮釋資料倉儲的架構。We propose that the metadata warehouse needs to be designed to store the metadata and manage its changes. We propose several architectures that can be used to develop a metadata warehouse. == Note == Metadata/Backlinks {{backlinks>.}} {{tag>metadata}} **file link** - [[google.s>sen a. 2004 . metadata management past present and future|Google Schloar]], [[xxcfile>sen a. 2004 . metadata management past present and future|XXC]]