== Characterizing a scientific elite: the social characteristics of the most highly cited scientists in environmental science and ecology / Parker, Lortie & Allesina (2010)== **Citation** - Parker, J., Lortie, C., & Allesina, S. (2010). Characterizing a scientific elite: the social characteristics of the most highly cited scientists in environmental science and ecology. Scientometrics, 85(1), 129-143. **Keyword** - 描繪科學精英:環境科學與生態學中高引用科學家的社會特徵 ==Abstract== * 背景/動機:只有小部份的科學家是被高度引用的,但很少人知道他們的社會特徵。了解:生產高被引作品的周遭狀況、科學界存在的系統性社會不均等、科學生涯。 * 假定: * 方法:研究 0.1% 高度被引用的環境科學與生態學家。 * 資料:Thompson Scientific editors survey * 發現: ** Demographic characteristics and lifestyle choices ** Work habits and resources ** Research foci, perspectives on citations and experiences with peer review == Content == == Note == == Metadata/Backlinks == {{backlinks>.}} {{tag>scientometrics}} **file link** - [[google.s>parker j. lortie c. allesina s. 2010 . characterizing a scientific elite|Google Schloar]], [[xxcfile>parker j. lortie c. allesina s. 2010 . characterizing a scientific elite|XXC]]