== Needs for research in indexing (Milstead, 1994) == **Citation** - [[:people:Milstead, J. L.]] (1994). Needs for research in indexing. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 45(8), 577. **Keyword** - [[:indexing]], [[:indexing process]] Milstead提到近來研究者感興趣的研究方向,是走向以自然語言檢索為主(雖然是1994年的文章,但是相當程度上也說明了一般人理解的現況),而非人為的索引與摘要服務。相關的研究也逐漸減少(1980-1990)。 另一方面,Milstead認為索引研究對於使用者與索引者行為的了解仍然不足。也歸納了相關研究的方向。有: * 認知面向:包含編撰索引時的認知過程,與進行檢索時的認知過程。 * 控制詞彙:索引典的詞彙關係,索引典大小,控制詞彙與自然語言的平衡 * 機器輔助編製索引與檢索,包括以下研究:相關詞彙系統,索引資訊工具,結合人為索引與自然語言檢索,自動分類系統 * 編排與索引結構 * 索引工作評估:包含檢索評估,使用性測試,與評估索引工作的價值。 其中,對編製索引的認知過程,引用Shaw & Fouchereaux (1993)的看法,認為編製索引有兩個基本程序:(1)決定應以什麼「有關的(about)」文字或資訊來回答索引問題;(2)將此決定轉譯成為索引系統的詞彙,以控制詞彙或是以自然語言。第二個步驟已可以準確的描述其做法,但是對於第一個步驟,索引者如何決定哪些詞彙是「有關的(about)」,或是如何可以使用者確認這樣的詞彙可以滿足使用者的檢索需求,這些都還不了解。 == Note == * 很久以前的論文啊?它後面的reference很多台灣還找不到,….才1991年的耶….。 * 這些研究面向,在十年來許多已經有不同的面貌。 * 其中可能是最重要的一本書是 /Indexing, Providing Access to Information: Looking Back, Looking Ahead : The Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Index/ by Nancy C. Mulvany。 == Metadata == === Cited by === * Cronin, B. (1995). Cutting the gordian knot. Information Processing & Management, 31(6), 897-902. * Hert, C. A., Jacob, E. K., & Dawson, P. (2000). A usability assessment of online indexing structures in the networked environment. Journal Of The American Society For Information Science, 51(11), 971-988. * Leide, J. E., Large, A., Beheshti, J., Brooks, M., & Cole, C. (2003). Visualization schemes for domain novices exploring a topic space: The navigation classification scheme. Information Processing & Management, 39(6), 923-940. * Mai, J. E. (2005). [[:study:Mai, J. E. (2005). Analysis in indexing|Analysis in indexing: Document and domain centered approaches]]. Information Processing & Management, 41(3), 599-611. * Miller, U. (1997). Thesaurus construction: Problems and their roots. Information Processing & Management, 33(4), 481-493. * Smith, L. C. (1999). Journal of the american society for information science (jasis): Past, present and future. Journal Of The American Society For Information Science, 50(11), 965-969. * Turner, J. M. (1995). Comparing user-assigned terms with indexer-assigned terms for storage and retrieval of moving images - research results. Proceedings Of The Asis Annual Meeting, 32, 9-12. * van der Meij, H. (2002). Styling the index: Is it time for a change? Journal Of Information Science, 28(3), 243-251. * Vickery, B. (1997). Metatheory and information science. Journal Of Documentation, 53(5), 457-476. * Wacholder, N., Liu, L., Sharp, M., Yuan, X. J., & Song, P. (2003). Experimental study of index terms and information access. In Asist 2003: Proceedings of the 66th asist annual meeting, vol 40, 2003 (Vol. 40, pp. 184-192). {{tag>indexing indexing_process}} **file link** - [[google.s>needs for research in indexing|Google Schloar]], [[xxcfile>milstead j. l. 1994 . needs for research in indexing|XXC]]