== Can applied science be ‘good science’? Exploring the relationship between patent citations and citation impact in nanoscience / Meyer, Debackere, & Glänzel(2010)== **Citation** - Meyer, M., Debackere, K., & Glänzel, W. (2010). Can applied science be ‘good science’? Exploring the relationship between patent citations and citation impact in nanoscience. Scientometrics, 85(2), 527-539. **Keyword** - 應用科學能是好科學嗎?探索奈米科學專利引用與引文影響 ==Abstract== * 探索奈米科學專利引用與引文影響 * 引用技術專利的論文,比起沒有提到技術的論文,在書目計量指標中表現較好。 \\ Our observations indicate that patent-cited papers perform better in terms of standard bibliometric indicators than comparable publications that are not linked to technology in this way. * 在專利中被引用的論文,也更常被其他論文所引用。 \\ More specifically, we found that articles cited in patents are more likely to be cited also by other papers. * 研究顯示,從眾效應的存在與相關性驅使著科技的發展。\\ Our analyses further demonstrate the presence and the relevance of bandwagon effects driving the development of science and technology. == Content == == Note == == Metadata/Backlinks == {{backlinks>.}} {{tag>scientometrics}} **file link** - [[google.s>meyer m. debackere k. glaenzel w. 2010 . can applied science be good science|Google Schloar]], [[xxcfile>meyer m. debackere k. glaenzel w. 2010 . can applied science be good science|XXC]]