== The merchant of prato-revisited / Kumar, van Dissel & Bielli (1998)== **Citation** - Kumar, K., van Dissel, H. G., & Bielli, P. (1998). The Merchant of Prato-Revisited: Toward a Third Rationality of Information Systems. MIS Quarterly, 22(2), 199-226. **Keyword** - == Content == == Note == * see: Theory of administrative behavior [[http://www.istheory.yorku.ca/theoryofadministrativebehavior.htm|link]] == Metadata == {{tag>social_informatics}} **file link** - [[google.s>kumar k. van dissel h. g. bielli p. 1998 . the merchant of prato-revisited|Google Schloar]], [[xxcfile>kumar k. van dissel h. g. bielli p. 1998 . the merchant of prato-revisited|XXC]]