== More than a backchannel: Twitter and television / Harrington, Highfield & Bruns (2012) **Citation** - Harrington, S., Highfield, T., & Bruns, A. (2012). More than a backchannel: Twitter and television. Audience Interactivity and Participation, 13-17. **Keyword** - == Abstract * 背景/動機: * 假定: * 方法: * 資料: * 發現: == Content > twitter,與其他類似服務,像是虛擬交誼廳,連結特定電視節目的觀眾們,並擴大觀眾的活動。對實況節目,更是如此,Twitter 像是「雲端飲水機」一樣聚集著人們,彼此討論電視內容。能以次螢幕連上社會媒體,更普及這樣的行為。 > Used this way, Twitter – and similar services – become a kind of virtual loungeroom, connecting the active audiences of specific TV shows at an unprecedented scale and thereby amplifying audience activities even further. This is the case especially for live television (from first-run drama and reality TV screenings to politics and sports), where the shared sense of watching a show together is especially heightened; here, Twitter becomes a metaphorical ‘watercooler’ in the cloud, but one where the watercooler conversations take place instantly, rather than at work the following morning. For audiences with access to social media on a second screen, the experience of watching television thus becomes an even more communal one. * 新的聽閱人研究工具。透過 Twitter 研究觀眾行為的優點 ** hashtag 區隔不同節目,了解觀眾特定時刻的反應 (Bruns, 2011a) ** 找出狂熱者。 ** 透過質性分析,為節目內容提供回饋與意見 (Bruns, 2011) * 電視節目利用 twitter ** 不只是後台,也能成為節目的一部分 * 新,Twitter化的電視收視行為 ** 作為第二管道(backchannel) ** 作為跨媒體文本的新面向(與新的趣味體驗) ** 做為新的交談媒體通路。 ** 可能重新喚回即時收視的體驗(而非時間平移收視) * 新的問題 ** 電視台(television networks)應該採取何種社會媒體策略,促進並管理觀眾互動? ** 若電視台操作了twitter討論,觀眾能採取什麼對抗的手段? ** 那些電視節目不適用社會媒體? ** 社會媒體活動的研究,如何與傳統收視率與市場研究做比較? == Note * 我覺得電視研究者,把Twitter 當作是 Lazarsfeld 當年的廣播測量器一樣使用。 == Metadata/Backlinks {{backlinks>.}} {{tag>television twitter}} **file link** - [[google.s>harrington s. highfield t. bruns a. 2012 . more than a backchannel|Google Schloar]], [[xxcfile>harrington s. highfield t. bruns a. 2012 . more than a backchannel|XXC]]