== Mind language and society / Harnad (2000) == **Citation** - [[:people:Harnad, S.]] (2000). Minds, machines and turing. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 9(4), 425-445. **Keyword** - [[:Chinese room]], [[:people:Turing, A.]], [[AI]], [[:Cognitive Science]] ===abstract=== Turing's celebrated 1950 paper proposes a very general methodological criterion for modeling mental function: total functional equivalence and indistinguishability. The Turing Test hierarchy: toy (t1), pen-pal (T2), robotic (T3), total internal micro-function (T4), and total indistinguishability (T5). Harnad 認為 T2 容易被 Searle 的 Chinese Room Argument 攻擊 Harnad 認為 Turing 仍沒有解決 mind/body 問題與 other-minds 問題。 ===逆向工程=== Bennett (1994) 認為,也許認知科學能被視為是生物工程學的逆向工程之分支。 ===圖靈測試的釐清=== * 圖靈測試需要長時間(Life-long)的測試 * 即互動只限於對符號的輸出與輸入 * 測試的對象需是人工製造的 * Mindful: 圖靈測試需要提供心智判斷的標準 * Conscious: 圖靈測試不區分是否有意識的行為 * Empirical/Intuitive: 要圖靈測試的不可區別性,需滿足經驗上的與直覺上的兩個標準。 == Note == == Metadata == {{tag>}} **file link** - [[google.s>harnad s. 2000 . mind language and society|Google Schloar]], [[xxcfile>harnad s. 2000 . mind language and society|XXC]]