== Analysis of the ch-index: an indicator to evaluate the diffusion of scientific research output by citers / Franceschini, et al.(2010)== **Citation** - Franceschini, F., Maisano, D., Perotti, A., & Proto, A. (2010). Analysis of the ch-index: an indicator to evaluate the diffusion of scientific research output by citers. Scientometrics, 85(1), 203-217. **Keyword** - 分析「引用者H指數」:由引用者評估科學研究產出擴散性的指標 ==Abstract== * 背景/動機:(1) 擴充 Ajiferuke & Wolfram (2010) 的實驗性研究。(2)發現指數的有趣特點。(3)觀察與h指數關係的可能性。 * 假定: * 方法: * 資料:a sample of researchers in the Quality Engineering/Management field * 發現: ** 不受自我引用現象影響。The most important result is that ch is almost insensitive to self-citations and/or citations made by recurrent citers, and it can be profitably used for complementing h. == citer h-index; ch-index == * introduced by Ajiferuke and Wolfram (2009, 2010) * 有ch篇論文至少被ch位以上的引用者引用過,而其他論文的引用者數量都不超過ch。\\ for a general group of papers, ch papers are cited by at least ch different citers while the other papers are cited by no more than ch different citers. * 此定義類似h-index, 但計算的是引用者。 It can be immediately noticed that this definition is similar to the one of h, with the only exception that, for each publication, received citations are replaced by different citers (or citing authors). 與 h-index 相比 Ch-index 的好處(p.205): * 未受自我引用影響 \\ Ch-index is not influenced by self-citations or recurrent citers: authors citing the same paper many times are counted only once. * 引用的重要性不一樣 \\ Citations have not the same importance: some papers may have a relatively small number of citations, but—at the same time—may interest a large number of scientists and vice versa. * 較不受資料庫錯誤影響 \\ Ch-index is less influenced by some database errors than h: in some (not infrequent) cases, citations received by one paper are duplicated, that is to say that the same citing paper is erroneously counted two or more times (Harzing and van der Wal 2008). This specific situation may distort the resulting h value, but not ch. == Note == == Metadata/Backlinks == {{backlinks>.}} {{tag>scientometrics}} **file link** - [[google.s>franceschini f. maisano d. perotti a. proto a. 2010 . analysis of the ch-index|Google Schloar]], [[xxcfile>franceschini f. maisano d. perotti a. proto a. 2010 . analysis of the ch-index|XXC]]