==Theorizing information for information science / Cornelius (2002)== 資訊科學的資訊理論化 \\ Author: [[people:Ian Cornelius]] \\ Form: [[study:ARIST 2002]] \\ Keyword: [[:information science]], [[:information theory]] \\ ==reviews: 回顧資訊科學中的資訊理論== * 作者認為資訊尚未理論化 * Hjorland (1998) maintains that information science in itself lacks explicit theories, but is implicit in its practices. (Cornelus, 1996) * 其他學科對informaiton concept 的探討.(Machlup & Mansfield, 1983) * 之前ARIST 對information concept 的探討, * Shera & Cleveland (1977): Shannon's theory * Zunde & Gehl (1979): extension Shannon's theory to semiotic, and the relation with knowledge. "information science as an empirical discipline is not concerned with what informaiton is in an ontological or metaphysical sense..... The subjcet of concern to information science is the pheonomena throught whicn the nature of information is revealed and embodied."(p. 68) "作為一種實證學科的資訊科學,並非關注資訊的本體論或是形上學論點,而是關注於透過資訊顯現與具體本質而掌握的現象" * Boyce & Kraft (1985): (1)修正之前對於資訊科學應限於實證學科的看法,認為相關理論工作還沒有對資訊科學學科產生影響。(2) 試圖發現一種資訊的單一測量值(unitary measure of informaiton) 的相關研究. * Heilprin (1989) * Saracevic: "The investigation forcuses on the manifestations, behavior, and effects of the pheonomena under question. In a three-tier hierarchy of information interpretations as narrow, broader, and broadest, "; "(Saracevic) sonsiders information as signals or messages for decisions(narrow); involving cognitive processing and understanding resulting from the interaction of mind and text(broader); and, in a situation, connected to the social context(broadest)." * 作者認為這是一種以功能主義的方式理解資訊的倒退,而不考慮不同使用的領域情境。 * 本文認為資訊理論是只限於與資訊直接相關的,而不包含資訊搜尋等理論。同樣的,更高階的理論也被本文排除在外。因此諸如與企業經營資訊相關或是資訊社會的討論,也不包括在本文中。也不包括資訊的經濟價值議題,相關的只限於有關資訊測量的議題。 ==maps, surveys, guides== * Qvortrup (1993): * ambiguity in Shannonian approach to information theory. Shannon資訊理論取向的矛盾。the sender and reciiver ambiguity. constructivist. Wersig (1997). * Shannon 與 Wiener 的不同。 - Shannon 認為資訊是不確定性,與訊息(message)不同 - Wiener 認為「資訊的數量可以測量系統的組織程度」,認為資訊是負熵(熱力學函數) * Wersig (1997): formulation information; constructivism. ==information outside information science: process theories== * Fiske * MacKay ==Informaiton and information science: the cognitive turn== 資訊與資訊科學; 認知科學轉向 * Brookes (cognitvie viewpoint) * Objection and developments * measurement problem. * concept of structure problem. ==Measurement, meaning, and misinformation== 測量, 意義, 與錯誤資訊 * 意義與資訊 ==Other contributions== ==Conclusion== * 理論是探究的工具,只要有用就是好的理論。好的理論可以在更長的時間內提供更多事物的解釋跟預測。 * 建構主義者認為理論化是實踐的一部份。由此觀點,理論更像是實踐中的內隱部分,而非形成一個實踐者的顯性固有表現。 * 學科對理論的需要:行為需要與學術需要。學術上需要理論以解釋基本概念,建立可溝通的定義,與確立可理解的主要問題。行為上需要理論以建立學術研究的狀態,或提供實踐者證據。