== About face 3 /Cooper, Reimann & Cronin(2007) **Citation** - [[:people:Alan Cooper|Cooper, A.]], Reimann, R., & Cronin, D. (2007). About face 3: the essentials of interaction design. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Pub. * Cooper, A.、Reimann, R.與 Cronin, D.(2007)。About face 3 交互設計精隨(劉濤等 譯)。北京:電子工業出版社。 **Keyword** - [[:HCI]], [[:UI]], [[:interaction design]] == Content == 心理模型與實現模型 | Mental model & Implementation model ^Role ^Alan Cooper ^Donald Norman ^ |使用者(User) |心理模型(Mental model)或概念模型(Concept model) || |設計師(Designer) |表現模型(Represented model) |設計者模型(Designer model) | |(Design/Object/Software) |實現模型(Implementation model) |系統模型(System model) | == 暫定的人物角色 Provisional persona 儘管我們應該盡可能在詳細的質性資料中建立人物角色,但若我們沒有足夠的時間、資源或金錢來作足夠的實際工作,可以採用暫定的人物角色(Provisional persona),Donald Norman 稱之為 ad hoc persona。 使用暫定角色: * 標示他們是未經檢驗的暫定角色 * 使用草圖而非照片 * 盡可能利用既有次級資料,如市場調查研究。 * 紀錄使用的數據與做出的假設 * 避免以刻版印象(stereotype)建立角色 * 重點在於動機與行為,而不是人口統計資料 ==目標 Alan Cooper 對應 Donald Norman 在情感設計(Emotional design)一書中提出的三個認知處理層次(本能、行為、反思),建立三種使用者目標: * 體驗目標 * 最終目標 * 人生目標 == Design Principles 設計原則 * Interaction design is not guesswork. * User interfaces should be based on user mental models rather than implementation models. * Goal-directed interactions reflect user mental models. * Users don't understand Boolean logic. * Don't replicate Mechanical-Age artifacts in user interfaces without Information Age enhancements. * Significant change must be significantly better. * Nobody wants to remain a beginner. * Optimize for intermediates. * Imagine users as very intelligent but very busy. * Don't make the user feel stupid. * Focus the design for each interface on a single primary persona. * Define whatthe product will do before you design howthe product will do it. * In early stages of design, pretend the interface is magic. * Never show a design approach that you're not happy with; stakeholders just might like it. * There is only one user experience - form and behavior must be designed in concert with each other. * Decisions about technical platform are best made in concert with interaction design efforts. * Optimize sovereign applications for full-screen use. * Sovereign interfaces should feature a conservative visual style. * Sovereign applications should exploit rich input. * Maximize document views within sovereign applications. * Transient applications must be simple, clear, and to the point. * Transient applications should be limited to a single window and view. * A transient application should launch to its previous position and configuration. * Kiosks should be optimized for first-time use. * No matter how cool your interface is, less of it would be better. * Well-orchestrated user interfaces are transparent. * Follow users' mental models. * Less is more. * Enable users to direct, don't force them to discuss. * Keep tools close at hand. * Provide modeless feedback. * Design for the probable; provide for the possible. * Contextualize information. * Provide direct manipulation and graphical input. * Reflect object and application status. * Avoid unnecessary reporting. * Don't use dialogs to report normalcy. * Avoid blank slates. * Ask for forgiveness, not permission. * Differentiate between command and configuration. * Provide choices; don't ask questions. * Hide the ejector seat levers. * Optimize for responsiveness; accommodate latency. * Eliminate excise wherever possible. * Don't weld on training wheels. * Don't stop the proceedings with idiocy. * Don't make users ask for permission. * Allow input wherever you have output. * Inflect the interface for typical navigation. * Users make commensurate effort if the rewards justify it. * The computer does the work and the person does the thinking. * Software should behave like a considerate human being. * If it's worth the user entering, it's worth the application remembering. * Most people would rather be successful than knowledgeable. * All idioms must be learned; good idioms need to be learned only once. * Never bend your interface to fit a metaphor. * A visual interface is based on visual patterns. * Visually distinguish elements that behave differently. * Visually communicate function and behavior. * Take things away until the design breaks, then put that last thing back in. * Visually show what; textually tell which. * Obey standards unless there is a truly superior alternative. * Consistency doesn't imply rigidity. * Managing disks and files is not a user goal. * Save documents and settings automatically. * Put files where users can find them. * Disks are a hack, not a design feature. * An error may not be your fault, but it's your responsibility. * Audit, don't edit. * Rich visual feedback is the key to successful direct manipulation. * Support both mouse and keyboard use for navigation and selection tasks. * Use cursor hinting to show the meanings of meta-keys. * Single-click selects data or an object or changes the control state. " * Mouse-down over an object or data should select the object or data. * Mouse-down over controls means propose action; mouse-up means commit to action. * Visually communicate pliancy. * Use cursor hinting to indicate pliancy. * The selection state should be visually evident and unambiguous. * Drop candidates must visually indicate their receptivity. * The drag cursor must visually identify the source object. * Any scrollable drag-and-drop target must auto-scroll. * Debounce all drags. * Any program that demands precise alignment must offer a vernier. * A dialog box is another room; have a good reason to go there. * Provide functions in the window where they are used. * The utility of any interaction idiom is context-dependent. * A multitude of control-laden dialog boxes doth not a good user interface make. * Use links for n"avigation, and buttons or butcons for action. * Distinguish important text items in lists with graphic icons. * Never scroll text horizontally. * Use bounded controls for bounded input. * Use noneditable (display) controls for output-only text. * Use menus to provide a pedagogic vector. * Disable menu items when they are not applicable. * Use consistent visual symbols on parallel command vectors. * Toolbars provide experienced users fast access to frequently used functions. * Use ToolTips with all toolbar and iconic controls. * Put primary interactions in the primary window. * Dialogs are appropriate for functions that are out of the main interaction flow. * Dialogs are appropriate for organizing controls and information about a single domain object or application function. * Use verbs in function dialog title bars. * Use object names in property dialog title bars. * Visually differentiate modeless dialogs from modal dialogs. * Use consistent terminating commands for modeless dialog boxes. * Don't dynamically change the labels of terminating buttons. * Inform the user when the application is unresponsive. * Never use transitory dialogs as error messages or confirmations. * All interaction idioms have practical limits. * Don't stack tabs. * Error message boxes stop the proceedings with idiocy and should be avoided. * Make errors impossible. * Users get humiliated when software tells them they failed. * Do, don't ask. * Make all actions reversible. * Provide modeless feedback to help users avoid mistakes. * Offer shortcuts from the Help menu. * Offer users a gallery of ready-to-use templates. == Note == Metadata/Backlinks {{backlinks>.}} {{tag>HCI UI}} **file link** - [[google.s>cooper a. reimann r. cronin d. 2007 . about face 3|Google Schloar]], [[xxcfile>cooper a. reimann r. cronin d. 2007 . about face 3|XXC]]