== Past present and future of social TV / Cesar & Geerts (2011) **Citation** - Cesar, P., & [[:people:David Geerts|Geerts, D.]] (2011). Past, present, and future of social TV: A categorization. Paper presented at the Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 2011 IEEE. **Keyword** - [[:Social Television]] 歸納社會電視技術發展的過去成果,以及提出新的架構作為社會電視未來發展方向 == 社會電視 過去與現在 三種不同方向的社會電視技術嘗試 * 遠距異地共看 with a number of systems offering synchronous communication means between people watching television in different locations. Some examples include Social TV from Motorola [15], ConnecTV from TNO [2], and AmigoTV from Alcatel-Lucent [7]. * 非同時的,電視內容分享與社會推薦 In parallel with these systems other solutions for asynchronous communications in the form of content recommendation and TV content sharing have been proposed (e.g., Ambulant Annotator [5], CollaboraTV [18], and Watch-and-Comment [3]). * 整合電視內容與社會網絡服務/媒體 Lately, together with the success of social media and social networking, a number of products that combines TV content with social networking are appearing (e.g., TV Chatter, Starling TV16, Miso17). == Note 社會電視的應許之地宣言: > Social Television constitutes a fundamental shift in how people interact and socialize around television content. (P.347) === 定義的問題與困境 除了 AmigoTV 的典範,本文一開始擴大了社會電視的定義,納入了其他典範 * 連網機上盒(IPTV) * 網際網路串流視訊服務(internet streaming video service),以及與社會網絡服務/媒體(social networking service/media)結合的應用。 * 遠距視訊會議 結果就是過於廣泛,卻又狹義的社會電視定義: > All these developments can be called social TV, allowing remote viewers to interact with each other via the television set, smartphones, tablets or the PC. (P.347) 若「讓遠距的觀眾可以透過電視、手機、平板、或個人電腦彼此互動」定義成立,關鍵就在「觀眾(viewer)」是什麼? 「使用者」不對,在個人電腦上看氣象與家庭相簿?這不必是社會電視吧? 「電視機觀眾」也不對,拿起手機就不是了。「電視節目觀眾」更不對,那麼在電視機前面看 Youtube、DVD/VOD、數位學習內容、上網更新Facebook/Twitter動態,還算是電視節目觀眾嗎? * 過於狹義,在於這個定義仍然強調「遠距/異地」,而忽略「同地」的社會人際互動。 * 過於廣泛,因為野心勃勃地納入了手機平板電腦等不同設備。去掉了「電視機」這個框框,卻未能掌握「電視」的意義是什麼? == Metadata/Backlinks {{backlinks>.}} {{tag>Social_Television}} **file link** - [[google.s>cesar p. geerts d. 2011 . past present and future of social tv|Google Schloar]], [[xxcfile>cesar p. geerts d. 2011 . past present and future of social tv|XXC]]