== Beyond book indexing / 2000 == **Citation** - Brenner, D., & Rowland, M. (Eds.). (2000). Beyond book indexing. Phoenix, AZ: American Society of Indexers. **Keyword** - [[:indexing]], [[:indexing process]], [[:back-of-the-book index]] ==Outline== * Beyond stand-alone indexes: embedded indexing ** Wright, Jan C. (1999). The world of embedded indexing. = 嵌入式索引 ** Moncrief, Lynn. (1999). Indexing computer-related documents. = 編製電腦相關文件索引 * Beyond the book: web indexing. ** Walker, D. (2000). Subject-oriented web indexing. ** Broccoli, Kevin & Van Ravenswaay, Gerry. (1999). Web indexing -- anchors away! ** Maislin, Seth. (1999). Ripping out the pages. ** Rowland, Marilyn J. (2000). Plunging in: creating a web site index for an online newsletter. * Special topics in computer-based indexing ** Rowland, Marilyn J. (1999). tags. ** Woods, X Bonnie. (2000). Envisioning the word: multimedia CD-ROM indexing. ** Holbert, Susan. (2000). How to index windows-based online help. * Beyond traditional marketing -- selling yourself in hyperspace. 此部份二篇分別為如何透過網站與電子郵件論壇自我推銷,略之。 ==embedded indexing== 嵌入式索引: 在電腦排版環境中,以排版或編輯軟體,將索引詞彙暗碼插入在內文之中,使程式能自動編排索引與頁碼。 ===embedded indexing process=== * 複製檔案:一收到原始內文檔案,先備份。或是另外建立一份編輯用的檔案。 * 閱讀文字:與所有的索引編製程序相同。Read the material for audience, content, approach, scope, etc. * 製作款目:分成幾個階段。理想上會由頁首開始一直往後製作,但是在電子出版上可能會需要配合客戶(出版社)的製作時間,由某個部分開始來來回回的進行。 * 編譯索引:大部分的DTP軟體,在編製完成後,都需要編譯(compile)之後才會產生可見的索引文字。 * 編輯與修正:產生出來以後,索引者必須根據編譯結果修正索引的一致性(consistency)與詞彙範圍(scope)。這個工作在傳統索引編製上很簡單,但是在嵌入式索引編製中則很困難。 {{tag>index indexing back-of-the-book_index}} **file link** - [[google.s>brenner d. rowland m. eds. . 2000 . beyond book indexing|Google Schloar]], [[xxcfile>brenner d. rowland m. eds. . 2000 . beyond book indexing|XXC]]