== Role of online communities in recent responses to disasters / Bedford & Faust (2010) == **Citation** - Bedford, D., & Faust, L. (2010). Role of online communities in recent responses to disasters: Tsunami, China, Katrina, and Haiti. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 47(1), 1-3. **Keyword** - [[:Hastily Formed Networks]](HFN) 最早對印尼海嘯的回報是由部落客所揭露出來。由小團體成長成為社群的「部落客圈」,終於跨越了國界,在協調溝通與資源上扮演了重要的角色。同樣的線上社群,除了卡翠那風災(Hurricane Katrina),也在海地震災、中國2008年的四川震災、2010年的青海玉樹震災中成長起來。本文探索促進形成實踐社群的因素,其趣向,其倡導,與科技在形成線上社群中所扮演的角色。 這種災情回報通常被稱為「社會運算(social computing)」,但就是因技術增強了社群的自然回應嗎?哪些因素鞏固了社群在災難初期後繼續的存續?是否這些線上社群就是科技化的「應急網絡」(Hastily Formed Network, HFN)? 描繪與比較不同個案,分享其關於啟動社群的觀點,與在未來的災害能如何有效的運用技術。 > The initial response to the Indonesian Tsunami was from a handful of bloggers. This small group grew into a community which ultimately spanned the globe and played a critical role in coordinating communication and resources. A similar online community grew up in response to the Haiti Earthquake, to the Sichuan Earthquake in China in 2008, and the Yushu Earthquake in 2010 but not in response to Hurricane Katrina. The panel will explore the factors that encourage the formation of a community of practice, of interest, or of advocacy and the role of technology in the formation of natural response online communities. The response is often attributed to social computing, but is the technology simply an enabler of the natural response of communities? What factors contribute to sustaining a community after the initial disaster has passed? Are these online communities simply expanded, technology-enabled Hastily Formed Networks (HFN’s)? The panelists have direct experience working and studying recent response to disasters and will draw upon that experience to highlight the similarities and differences of particular disaster responses, and share their thoughts on how and what can be done to leverage communities and technology to effectively and efficiently respond to future disasters. == Note == == Metadata/Backlinks == {{backlinks>.}} {{tag>disaster_information}} **file link** - [[google.s>bedford d. faust l. 2010 . role of online communities in recent responses to disasters|Google Schloar]], [[xxcfile>bedford d. faust l. 2010 . role of online communities in recent responses to disasters|XXC]]