== The fruits of collaboration in a multidisciplinary field / Bartneck & Hu (2010)== **Citation** - Bartneck, C., & Hu, J. (2010). The fruits of collaboration in a multidisciplinary field. Scientometrics, 85(1), 41-52. **Keyword** - 多元學科合作的果實 ==Abstract== CHI 書目計量分析,研究 當論文作者來自不同機構或國家, * 是否有更多引用。結果沒有顯著差異。 * 是否更容易獲獎或提名。結果顯示較容易獲得提名。 資料:Google Scholar (GS) * We manually checked 5.1% of our records on the correctness of the mapping and were satisfied with the 0.25 error rate. == Content == == Note == == Metadata/Backlinks == {{backlinks>.}} {{tag>scientometrics}} **file link** - [[google.s>bartneck c. hu j. 2010 . the fruits of collaboration in a multidisciplinary field|Google Schloar]], [[xxcfile>bartneck c. hu j. 2010 . the fruits of collaboration in a multidisciplinary field|XXC]]