== 創造力是冒險的能力 / Creativity is the ability to take a risk 創造力,對我來說,是承擔風險的能力。把自己放到被嘲笑、被奚落、被批評的繩索上,只是因為你想要做出一些東西,你得冒險。 > Creativity? For me, it's the ability to take a risk. To actually put yourself on the line and risk ridicule, being pilloried, criticized, whatever. But you have an idea that you think you want to put out there. And you must take that risk. -- Sting (2014) ((https://www.npr.org/transcripts/351545257)) ---- == 其他相關格言 {{topic>quotes +creativity}} [[:quotes:|所有格言]] == Metadata/Backlinks ~~NOTOC~~ {{backlinks>.}} {{tag>quotes creativity}}