== Charles A. Cutter== 張慧銖. (2003). 圖書館目錄發展研究. 台北: 文華圖書管理 * 第二章 第三節 Cutter及其字典式目錄規則 ** Cutter 生平簡介 ** 圖書館目錄 ** Cutter 之目錄規則 ** Cutter 的貢獻 ===論目錄的目的=== ((Charles Ammi Cutter,“Library Catalogs," in Public Libraries in the United States of America: Their History, Condition and Management: Special Report. Department of the Interior. Bureau Of Education. Part I (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1876), 526-622.)) * 如果書本很多就要有一個指引來協助, 以便保證可以很快速地找到任何特定的圖書。 ((Charles Ammi Cutter, Rules for a Dictionary Catalog, 4th ed., rewritten (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1904) )) # 使讀者找到書,當他已知[著者|書名|主題]\\ finding: to enable a person to find a book of which the [author|title|subject] is known. # 展示圖書館的館藏,關於某一特定[著者|主題|體裁]\\ 排列(collocating): to show what the library has by a given [author|subject|kind of literature] # 協助選書,根據[版本|特性(體裁或主題)]\\ 選擇(choice): to assist in the choice of a book as to its [edition|character] Svenonius(2000)((Svenonius, E. (2000). The intellectual foundation of information organization. pp.15-6.))認為這Cutter對目錄三目地的主張是最廣為被引用的。 {{tag>bibliography information_organization librarian}}