==Main entry [主款目]== ===編目(cataloging)=== Svenonius (2000(([[:study:Svenonius, E. (2000). The intellectual foundation of information organization]]. MIT press. p.95))) 認為主款目(main entry)的定義混亂而分歧,包含了以下三種不同的定義: * 對文件的描述(這個意義已經不再被使用) \\ A description of a document, in particular its full description (a meaning that is now obsolete); * 最常被取用的文件屬性,或稱為主檢索點,通常是人名、團體名、題名 \\ The attribute of a document by which it is most often accessed, its so-called main access point, such as a person, corporate body, or title. * 作品的正規化題名 \\ A work, which is designated either by a normalized name title or by a normalized title. == Metadata/Backlinks {{backlinks>.}} {{tag>cataloging bibliography}}